LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Bring up hemihedrites

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Red hair and identical twins are also rare. What’s your point?

You claim there are studies. Do you have sources? Peer reviewed ones?

Gender is not the same as sex.
Gender is literally a social construct forced on people based on their sex configuration.

There are at least three sexes. Male, female, intersex, and trisomic variations.


“Gender is a Social Construct. Sex is not. THAT is what they are trying to point out to you.”

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You are certainly very confident in your wrongness. So, you’ve got that going for you.

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You seem like someone who has been brainwashed by anti-science rightist propoganda.

You can disagree but science and history are not on your side.

You keep using that word gender. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

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God created male and female. Anything else like hermaphrodites, which are extremely rare happened by accident during the process of birth.

It’s always amazing, you read something from actual biologists and they talk about the mess that gender is with all sorts of oddball categories (like if you go by chromosome sets humans have 6 that way) and not simple. Then people who will shout at you to study it out will trot out elementary school simplifications like it’s gospel truth.

“No you idiot! Western propaganda has fooled you into thinking the Earth is an oblate spheroid when any idiot knows it’s round!”


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We are mammals. Look at gorillas. There’s an alpha male who gets to enjoy all the female gorillas. Are you saying that’s a social construct too?

God isn’t real. Prove me wrong.

If this fake news “God” can make “mistakes” such as “hermaphrodites” what’s to say he cannot mess up what gender spirit someone gets?

“Sex is what you are born with, between your legs. Gender is how you feel about it. Period.”

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Hope mods clear this cesspool of a discussion and do another moderation on it.

I want a BE and NB couple, after seeing the BEs / NB interact in Zuldazar at that little camp + w the Thal / Lorthemar storyline I feel like reoccurring NB / BE male pairing would be so cute maybe a Blood Knight and NB mage type reoccurring characters incoming yep yep

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Eh for me thats too generic in my eyes maybe a pandaren couple would be interesting, Still maybe both would be good

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Yeah, because it’s completely wrong about how gorilla society behaves to start with.

Also, generally the alpha study was a flawed one about wolves in captivity and was again, completely wrong about non-captive wolf social behavior.


It’s just a discussion. No need to ask for censorship when I have been completely respectful while that other person has been very rude.

It’s ok to have people that don’t agree with your world view. That’s what makes life more interesting.


Good grief.
Please leave your flag at the door.
I dont want to know about your sex life or anything close to it, I don’t care if you are a boy or a girl or a piece of toast.
Although I like toast.
Peace to all and don’t make money for the bad guys/gals/toast whether they are a boy ,girl or toast.

Can you show how I was not respectful? Not agreeing with someone does not mean I was not respectful

I mean they aren’t wrong. For example, I got called a moron because someone doesn’t know how to read and said that I had mentioned that there were only 2 genders or 2 sexes lol.