LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Legit don’t understand what point they were trying make with this

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It’s funny I chose this server because I had positive experiences w people from here xD and it was west coast.

Proudmoore was my server for years though and still is for the couple Alliance characters I have, but Horde side was a bit sad to me I may not do group content in WoW but it’s still kinda sad to me to like not see as many people out and about idk, but I had heard of some people who played Horde Proudmoore transferring to Tich too so I was hopeful

So overall I’d probably say I have had the opposite experience so when I see bad takes like that I’m always taken aback but it is such a good example / citation for the reason why LGBTQ+ people ask around for what realms / spaces are more inclusive (and you know the threads I mean like the random player returning just asking a harmless question) and then it gets flooded with “why would you want to segregate yOuRsElVeS??” And “all realms are fine” etc etc which you just know are coming from people outside of the community, and I find it problematic bcz it both downplays the experience of LGBTQ+ peoples but it’s also weird that LGBTQ+ people wanting to have safe spaces bothers them to that extent.

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There are predatory people in straight people too. Awful people will do awful things no matter what


That there are many hypocrites within your community. I have seen how nasty your community treats to conservative LGBTs. I have seen some are ok with violence against them because they have different views.

And that will make road difficult for normalization.

So there are many hypocrites within every community? Doesn’t mean the rest of the community should suffer for it? You guys points boil down to. Oh but this community has hypocrites and extremists. Every organization has those and they are rightfully called out?


No it shouldn’t but people have bad habit of generalization.

So that will always create problems for the rest

Maybe you should start with your own advice and stop generalizing things as a whole mate.

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I will but I will also call out BS that many within your community do to just like you all do

We are all flawed in the end

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Funny enough I don’t even identify with the community because I feel it puts a target on my back. Even though I’m bisexual haha

Hey Rosen I wanted to say if you ever want to chat I have a new discord but idk if I can give it to ya. Sad I didn’t add ya before on my old one

My apologies for being rude

I have some LGBT friends that are conservatives. They have experienced many hostile behavior from within the community

Seeing them break down has created some prejudice and bias in me for the community


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We’ll see. Just decompressing with music at the moment

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It’s fine I think these days it’s just odd to me that we tend to think of the other side as evil. Generally speaking I’m more liberal but I’ve been in the middle. I do think conservative lgbtq members should have a voice because if not then it’s an echo chamber. Not saying I agree with them but I understand it’s needed. Based on my life experiences I’ve learned everything is not bluntly black and white unless it’s 100% proven to be

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Have a nice day :slight_smile:

And apologies to Rosenivy and others if any of my comment hurted them

Take care everyone :slight_smile:

It’s alright I still have ya on switch I plan on preordering the new Pokémon game soon

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Right on. Still hoping I can pre order Monster Hunter Sunbreak and Pokemon Violet. Bit hard to plan for those when I’m never sure when some medical nonsense is gonna happen and cost extra money

Going to get scarlet cause I like the color red.

I love how bigots think we somehow are falling for pandering and stuff like that despite us not even mentioning it. They’re always the ones bringing it up.

It’s also hilarious that bigots think kids are being sterilized. It takes years and years to get something like a hysterectomy as a 35+ year old adult. If you think a minor will be able to get it faster, you’re dreaming.

As far as not teaching kids sexuality, I agree with the bigots. Kids shouldn’t be taught any sexuality or gender before the age of 18.

Therefore I propose we take all children away from their parents and raise them in bubbles as non-binary people. They should get a federally standardized education that includes science, math, english, at least one foreign language, art, and music. They should only be allowed to watch gender neutral variants of shows like Wonder Pets because properly raising children is sewwious.

By taking them away from their parents and closely controlling their media intake we can assure they won’t be exposed to sexuality of any kind.

We should place them all on puberty blockers until they are 18 then let them go out into the real world and decide their gender identity and choose their puberty. This way everyone will be able to live as their true and genuine selves.


I know this is probably satire, but honestly I would be very very interested in seeing how puberty blockers effect academia on a study group of children from when puberty normally starts to the end of HS.

It is satire. It’s standard corrupt a wish and turn it up to 11 to target not only LGBT+ from inclusion like bigots want but also cishet as well.

But yes that would be an interesting study. The whole situation would, actually.