LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

We should get some horde affiliated LGBT NPCs. If I played red team I’d want to feel included as well


“Yes! Please, Blizz???”
/begging eyes

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I mean I’d love some Horde LGBT characters.

The one shot wonder zandalari don’t really feel compelling to me. I’d like some characters with actual personality.


“I mean… no offense meant to Ally Friends, but… I have to deal with Tyranda, just to meet the ones in Arden. Not fair.”

I think Tyrande would be more interesting if she was in an consensually open relationship and had some relations with one of the other ladies while Malfurion was taking a nap. Then she could be Bi-rande.


Man, that seems like a remarkably irresponsible tone for the head of the king’s security to take after failing at his job.


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“I like that one.”


I like Tyrande

But yeah if they won’t confirm Garrosh, we can get a cute Orc couple or develop the trolls from that story or maybe like an Orc/Tauren lesbian couple? Literally star crossed lovers? (I always like Orc/Draenei pairings but thinking strictly Horde here)


What about that one Zandalari Troll Innkeeper, his husband and their adopted kids in Dazar’alor? THAT would be a cute couple to develop/tell more about. Not like SUPER significant, just something cute? Unless we wanna make them super significant. Im cool with that too.

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Ok, orc/draenei couple definitely needs to happen. I’ve got a bachelor right here. I even taught him some good hygiene skills!

“I don’t exactly hate her, but as Forsaken, I feel uncomfortable interacting with her, and as a Horde, well…”

He’s a man who has spent his entire life in service to the crown. Who has given up everything for the life that was pretty much chosen for him. The burden of guarding Anduin is not his alone to bear, which is what he is saying there. He is so ready to blame himself, but reminds himself that Anduin would be happy that he is not losing himself for him, and that he does not need to shoulder all of the blame for this happening.

His mask from the Visions of Stormwind came with this flavor text:

“Trading in secrets, trading in lies, operating on the fringes are all the Spymaster knows. His lost passions, lost loves are all gone, crushed under his own duty and loyalty to the crown. Nothing is left, nothing but the pain.”

Let the man be happy.

If the guy who was in charge of JFK’s security had come out and said he was half arsing it because he was in a new relationship and not paying full attention, how much sympathy do you think he would have gotten?

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I def thing the two races mingled on Draenor.

I should level my Draenei. You can have me at Zug Zug - Whatever that means!

I ship Ariok and Maraad…


IDK man, if the head of his security said he had given him a full security detail, but wasn’t personally watching him for the first time in years when he was abducted by death angels from an alternate dimension pretty sure he’d get a lot of “That’s messed up buddy”


I’m pretty sure in a universe where inter-dimensional death angels are relatively common their response would be “So why weren’t you personally watching him this time?”

Because Anduin didn’t want him to. The guy he was guarding wanted him to find his happiness in what should have been times of peace. He says it right there in the text. Not that deep fam :slight_smile:

No he doesn’t. He says Anduin would tell him that.

So essentially he’s screwed up, is now refusing to take any responsibility and is deflecting that responsibility by saying the boss would have told him to screw up, I swear guys!

Man, you wanna have some weird pedantic argument over a block of text to try to tear down one of the only LGBTQ+ people/couples in the game and it is honestly just not worth the time anymore lmao



For real tho - That’s fair. I mean. She is big mad. We won’t get into the details here. Honestly I AM looking forward to how they will develop her in 9.1 with the Night Warrior. I want to see what they’ll do with my new dads too.

But I like her. She’s my leader, and on a personal stand point when I get to see her messing stuff up I am just like “Good for her.”

“And me out of likes again.”

“I like how you think.”

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