LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I dont know what this is in response to but you have good taste.

Oh but also, looking above I wrote a Fanfic If I never showed you. It’s NSFW tho

Furrfist said something but I guess the mods weren’t fans

Those jerks.

There were a lot of posts in here, I should really read and catch up.

This made me giggle. Especially with your signature /grin at the end. :grin:




/huggles back

Hope you are doing well.:blush:


“I am doing okay. Just don’t like this time of year very much. Sorry for the late reply, I went to sleep shortly after posting.”

But this is the time of year to reflect on the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Why would you not like it? Christmas is the best day all year! :christmas_tree:

Not really.

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Best day of the year is tax return day

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The religious talk is coming out?

Yeah lets avoid the spicy topic.

If folks are happy for xmas. Cool. But lets avoid the eventual “U No LiEk HOliDay?!” that springs up with it.

“It’s not the Holidays I don’t like. It’s the weather. It rains too much, and doesn’t snow enough, in my area.”

Ah I get that. My mom has fake knees and they feel sore in the cold.

Sometimes she texts me to ask if I can help get her stuff while she’s sitting down. I don’t mind helpin. ( I tend to joke “Hey I gotta pay rent somehow” lol )

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“I have arthritis, and it’s hell in the wintertime.”

Aw I hope its not too bad for you.

The chronic pain I have doesn’t really act up in weather but it still has a time limit before it finally goes “OKAY NO MORE MOVING. STOP IT” so I just sit or chill on the bed til my pain meds take some of the edge off.

I do have carpal tunnel but that only acts up if I draw for too long. And I only have brief bursts of “MUST DRAW NOW” thru the year so nothing too bad at the moment

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I have a rule with online settings especially when I don’t know people. Don’t talk about religion or politics. It isn’t to deal with anyone’s beliefs or anything but you just don’t know where those subjects will go.

Start that rabbit hole and you might have best case people are able to keep things civil worst case you just had to cut off communication with everyone you were talking with.


I hear that. The way my BPD works is basically “I really hope they don’t say something that’s wildly against what I believe in otherwise my brain is going to instantly despise someone and that is EXHAUSTING”

Brief disagreements I’ve learned to handle a teensy bit better ( It’s a work in progress and I can’t cure that completely anyway ) or just go snarky as a defense mechanism but yeaaaaaaaaah. Not fun the other times

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What is BPD?

Oh apologies. Borderline Personality Disorder