LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Like a weird mix of mosquito and cicada.

It’s a mystery that



Today I ran LFR. Horrible. I know.

I finally got a helm with a domination socket so I can get my set bonus and not be a liability in raid.

I will be stuck with this LFR piece for the rest of the tier.


Also I found a neat video.

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Here’s the thing I totally disagree with Andzelika saying LGBTQ are child pedos, that is not true and he should be put on vacation. The problem I have with you and others is why should your sexual preference represent who you are? Why not being a good person or your job for example be something you post about.

In other words I could care less if you are straight, gay or otherwise. Just don’t let it be the end of all of who you are.


This! I love it. lol

I feel like if you drop a c there you also get a term for people buzzing around threads being annoying and taking offense at the term cis or something

It’s fine if you don’t understand. You don’t really need to.

Ok… thats an amusing name. lol

It’s not. That’s all we are to you. This isn’t meant to be upsetting when I say this, but this is a you problem. You don’t spend 24/7 with us, and no single person is representative of 100% of every individual piece of them 100% of the time.

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That video just made me realize I still don’t know when to use who/whom :laughing:

I’m still trying to kick the whole “less or fewer” part

I’m probably mixing those words up too tbh. I feel like I mess up English a lot. I’m stuck in the Spanglish limbo where I neither perfect my English nor my Spanish :sweat_smile:

Props for knowing multiple languages though. English ain’t easy if it’s something people are learning after another language.

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My friend has corrected me on less vs fewer so much that I now know which one to use and use the wrong one to annoy him. :man_shrugging:

Bleh. Mentioned this in the Gd Lounge. I’m still kinda butt hurt about something.

In the past I changed my name in my Moms phone to my preferred name. Few days ago she was sitting down and asked me to call her phone because she couldn’t find it. ( She’s got fake knees so I tend to help out with some things since getting up is uncomfortable for her )

Her ringtone for me is the song Engel by Rammstein. ( that song starts with a rather unique whistle for context ) And her screen lights up with a little chibi Yautja ( The predator species ) since I’m a nerd. I was happy at the reference then I notice my dead name just smack dab right in the middle.

I tried to hide my uncomfy reaction but you know Moms. They know. She said she was sorry but ugh. It’s been 6 freaking years. Since I changed the name in the past that means she saw it and changed it back.

I wish I could get over it but it’s just. I dunno. Stuck. That’s the best way I can describe it.

It’s such a stupid thing to be mad about and I know non trans won’t really understand.

So now I’m just stuck in this sorta “Crabby but also on Zoloft so also kinda neutral / numb” haze.


Damn, dude, sorry that happened to you. It’s most definitely NOT a stupid thing to be mad about. I know that crap hurts especially from a family member. Hopefully your mom will come around someday :frowning_face:


(Lady Cyndi Lou strolls in.)

“Greetings, Friends! How are you all doing?”

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The this is fine meme strikes me today…

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“I am having a meh day too. Tummy is sad today.”

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I’m just working on non wow related character stuff. Trying to work out what makes this creature tick. I like to jokingly act like I’m some kinda mechanic and the character is just some hollow shell as I’m messing with wires