LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“What kind of character is it?”

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He’s a character I made up for the setting that all those animation tests I post a lot come from. A race of creatures that were around before the big bang. The animator that made them up is working on a book and I’m mostly waiting for that to come out before I finalize some details with this character.

His name is Ambrosius

He’s got the upper body of a bat and the lower half of a centipede.

So far the only details I like a lot are

-He has a few jobs. He works as a butcher and sometimes a mercenary.
-He’s kind of a bully to this races version of children. Fowlers is what they’re called. He’s a pretty big fella and he likes to just yoink up a small Fowler to watch them try and get free. But if they impress him he offers them a job at his Chop Shop. That’s what they call butcher shops / restaurants
-He CAN be a threat and very much is one to creatures more his age but he kinda can’t help but pick on some of the weaker ones.
-I’m unsure about his length or wingspan size. But I like to think if he’s just chilling in a default “I am standing on my centipede bug legs but not actively trying to make myself appear taller” ( or what we might consider a default relaxed pose ) he’s around 10 feet tall. Like I said. He big.
-I’m working on redoing his arms but he has 4 thin arms that he can move together if he wants to either look like he has two arms or to just allow him to fly. Keeping them together makes it work like he has two large bat wings


“What type of family does he come from? Does he have a family of his own? What was the environment of his Childhood like? How old is he? How long of a life span does his type have? These kind of questions can lead you to what makes him tick. You don’t have to add them to his story, just his Bio. Just a thought.”

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This race doesn’t really do family units. They just make their kids and bounce.

This race is also dang near immortal or at least ageless. They have stages in life like child, teenager, adult. It’s just different compared to what humans do. They can be killed if the brain is destroyed however.


“What stage of life is he in? What was the land like where he grew up? What did he have to do to survive?”

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The land part I can’t answer til I get the book.

But he’s an adult I know that much. I can answer stuff better once I’m not tired. I’m just waiting for meds to kick in atm


“Take your time. I am just giving you the types of questions you need to ask yourself about him, to figure out what makes him tick.”

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Oh I get ya and I thank you.


“Anytime, you are welcome.”

“We are the path we have lived. You need to create the path he has walked.”

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Yeah so far I got the bare bones worked out. The stuff in between that fleshes out a character is just waiting for the book. Because I might be going on memory of old lore that miiiiiight not be canon anymore.

Compare him to one of my more fleshed out characters. My Tiefling in DnD took around a year of roleplay to develop him. I tend to hyperfocus from character to character rather than make a bunch and work on them all at the same time like some folks do. Oh that method can totally work for others, not me


I haven’t been here in a while but I thought I would say hello.


Anyone here care if I share my stories?


You write well, please do :slight_smile:

Good LGBTQ+ guids on this game I should know of?!

I am going into a raid soon but I can find a story to share here tonight or tomorrow.


I am a returning player interested in an LGBT RP guild. Since I do not to start out with my own topic, this seems like a good place to post.

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“Welcome to our thread. I am sure someone in here will be able to help you. In the meantime, feel free to relax and enjoy yourself.”
/courtly bow

Has anybody ever noticed the two potentially gay Zandalari innkeepers with the kids in DazarAlor? I love them so much


“I don’t think I remember where this is. Unless… Is it the huge Capital Pyramid City? I get names mixed up, sorry.”

Welcome! :hugs:

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