“I just got up, not so long ago, myself.”
I say - this megathread is rather analogous to Constantinople and its centuries long efforts to resist external conquest and extermination. It is rather admirable how despite several hordes of determined hooligans continually throwing themselves against its bastions, its stalwart defenders tirelessly and repeatedly come to its defense with little prompting. You must remain vigilant against these lunatics and hooligans who seek to avail themselves against you.
Hey how is everyone doing in-
I wish I had a quarter the self confidence these idiots have tbh. I spend 90% of the time questioning my own beliefs and identity and stuff.
“My Grandmother use to always say, ‘The day we stop learning is the day we start dying.’ It’s okay to question yourself, it leads to answers.”
I wish I could claim half the audacity.
“Anyone who believes that they are 100% right 100% of the time are doomed to fall. Only when they can admit their flaws will they be able to stay standing.”
I mean mistakes suck but they have to happen or nothing changes / improves.
It’s like how the most recent character I drew had some BAD first few sketches until my brain figured out a solution. Here brb gonna fetch some pictures
First attempts are almost GUARANTEED to be mega cringe but nothing happens if you just proceed to not draw.
After this first drawing I thought “What if I smoosh his face in a bit?” and it took a few more attempts til I settled on something. This 2nd drawing was my most recent one
“I agree, I like the changes.”
“Life is a Work Of Art In Progress. Kind of like the never ending story, it just keeps going, growing, changing, and all we can really hope for is that we can help guide it on a good path, as best as we can.”
Our stories even linger after we’re gone.
Every story becomes a ghost story if you think about it.
“Very true.”
I want to love Torghast because it’s finally hard solo content but I don’t like tanking or healing myself. I like that event where they give you a dog that tanks for you but I wish they didn’t die so easily LOL!
Pick the talents where it loses health but once it gets to critical health it explodes. It’s a great boost of dps
Except for me, I am 100% right 100% of the time
The times I’m not right I was wrong on purpose so it doesn’t count
I’m definitely right at least 97.3% of the time.
Once, I thought I was wrong but I was mistaken.
That’s quite a lot of people here on these forums.
Man ya’ll hear that strange noise? It’s like a weird buzz. How odd
Oh gods is it like… The buzz of a mosquito?
Gods I bet it is.
Hate that sound.