I just want him to get help and stop talking about this stuff. I think he’s gone now.
In other news, I logged into my student center.
It is no longer showing my balance due. This means my money to live off of for the next six months is on its way.
Which is good because my cellphone cable has a short in it and no longer works.
It’s funny how people can get banned over arguing about elves in the game but people that are self proclaimed Maps are allowed to roam the forums. That’s annoying.
So, uh, why was this post restored and why has this guy not been banned? Is it just on my end or…? I can’t even flag it.
Take it to twitter for action to actually happen.
Hmmm. Interesting.
It’s not really possible to ethically support someone being vocal about being attracted to minors. It’s a disorder, there is no ethical way to go about being attracted to a minor especially if you act on that. It’s not something someone should support or be proud of, it’s something you want to get help with by seeing a doctor being proud of it isn’t healthy and promotes a very very very bad message.
Going so far right you defend maps, that sure is a new one lol.

“Too late, twin studies indicate that general intelligence is hereditary, and your IQ is no higher than your body temperature.”
The average IQ is 85-115…
I wouldn’t know from up here in the 98th percentile.
How could you not? You took the actual test and they publish the results.
The average IQ is 100. Thats literally how IQ works.
The average actually fluctuates depending on geographical location, that’s why there’s a range of what is considered ‘average’.
The test is specifically revised every few years to ensure 100 as the average.
Damn, so many trolls and disgusting people today that I’ve run out of flags

LGBTQIA+ endorses child sex re-assignment surgery
The community is not a monolith and is not collectively responsible for the actions of every person who falls under the LGBT umbrella - unless you’d like me to start sermonizing about how the straight community has permitted or abetted horrific discriminatory cases against LGBT people.

the LGBT umbrella
LBGTQIA+, bigot.
This is supposed to be an LGBTQIA+ thread, but all of you are just trolls looking for attention.
Just remember, you won’t be missed and mods can still see your posts after you panic delete them
The anti-belfers are flagging my posts again. While I’ve been careful to not say anything too bad you never know with the mods.
I don’t enter this thread much, but I heard there was drama today, and I wanted to check it out.
In my opinion - it seems like a gang of right wing Trolls are trying to equate LGBT folks with non consensual stuff, like child abuse. It appears they are using “sock puppet” Alts to make ludicrous claims. Their purpose is to get the entire thread flagged and deleted. In my experience, it is how Right Wing Forum Trolls operate.
I suggest Flagging the people who are posting things that border on criminal, and not falling for their Troll Tricks.
I never heard of people being a “map”, and the context of the conversation makes me frightened to even search it on Google. I am probably better off not knowing.
I’ve already reached out to cs on twitter about the kiddy diddly stuff. It’s likely mods will be checking out the thread.

Based Biden
Based and SRS pilled Biden.
Enjoy your vacation.
PS: YouTube is not a newsworthy source.