I can respect that. I’ve always considered bots and sellers out of the equation personally. That’s just to save me a headache of seeing spam.
The ace ventura gif lol. I swear watching that movie now as an adult and I kept thinking “My Mom let me watch this? I WAS 4!” lol
I think she knew all the naughty stuff would go right over my head. I was just watching Jim Carrey make funny faces
I don’t think they ever answered me when I asked them what their real view is. I still want to know. But I’ll abstain from responding to them that much because I know this place is meant to keep away from all the trolling.
We get trolls all the time here. They tend to get forum vacations when they start up here though. It’s a community service thread, taking out the trash.
I represent every political view and position at the same time. Why would you ask that? I’m like Elune, knowing the real me would just ruin the entire thing.
It’s like biodegradable trash
Meh. I personally prefer knowing people’s real personality on here. It’s nicer to chill than attempt to troll because people already troll themselves enough here my man/woman.
I’m pretty much the same person on the forums as I am irl… Except more dad jokes and I’m really assertive when I write verses how I talk.
hey calling me biodegradable trash isn’t very nice D:
I wanted to write a “I’m kind of a edgelord I can admit” response to this but I just spent 5 minutes ugly crying at Ratcatcher 2 clips from Suicide Squad
ugly crying because I love rats
Ya’ll I would die for this rat
I cry way more when it comes to animals than humans don’t know why. Some of my favorite characters can die and I’ll just move on but it’s different for animals for me. If you can get me to cry to a human character dying in a show/movie you had to have done your job damn well.
I just have a big soft spot for rats because I’ve had them as pets. I miss them. They’re so caring but they have a really short life. 2 years minimum. 3 and sometimes even 4 if you’re really lucky.
It’d be nice if the thread could be less toxic and more inclusive as the original post suggests
I’m bisexual and a furry, yet I’m still met with so much hostility. An I watch as people flock to certain people in the thread like some kind of clique… Even if they’re saying hateful things…
“These are fine. But you post about a certain aspect of Furries, that even Furries tend to see as overboard. This is not the place for discussing the darker side of being a Furry. Some things are actually best left in the shadows.”
God I hope so.
I don’t envy what you’re going through, friend.
TIL what a MAP is.
How do I unlearn something?
Joking aside. Just cherish that disgusted feeling when you see a “Map”. It means you’re human in this situation.