LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I mean, the first one you can read the actual story instead of “very unbiased” review on youtube and see there was multiple mistakes made and apparently people in charge didn’t even know what the group they booked was about

So, it was nothing to do with “enabling” this, it was stupid people in charge not doing work and causing this entire mess

It’s funny what they’re accusing us of after we literally chased the exact kind of person he’s accusing is of condoning out of the thread.


In the second story, the criminal history of that person wasn’t known by the library.

Just remember kids, always judge those you hate by their worst and their mistakes

Judge your own by your best

Makes you look really smart

Your group endorses these people. LBGTQIA+ is making excuses for them.

Says the child diddlers.

What people?

I also changed my mind, its not the fact people wont miss you

It’s more people will celebrate when you’re gone

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Nobody here endorses these people. You’re spreading actual fake news.


All the thread regulars: unequivocally condemn child abuse
Idiots: hehe why do you keep making excuses for child abuse?

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

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YouTube isn’t a news source. I’m not watching rightist propoganda videos. Real sources.

The Michael Knowles dude he linked works for Ben Shabibo and has been a guest host on Rush ‘lol he’s dead’ Limbaugh’s show.

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The hodge twins were always morons, then they’re jumped on the trump train and the Q anon

I don’t know how anyone can think they tell the truth about anything

Aaaanyways, I dont think Im gunna participate in that things mental break down anymore

Anyone leveling any alts or anything else ingame?

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I need to run two mythic dungeons. I’ll log in if you want.

What is actually wrong with you, dude?

The former speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, a Conservative Moral Majority Republican who opposed GLBT Rights… and we know how that ended up. He went to prison for paying hush money to his victims.

And then the Republicans nominated Roy Moore in Alabama.

They cant even argue morality with a straight face any more. That is why they resort to online trolling

Actually, the Supreme Court itself ruled GLBT Marriage was legal. Unless you think they are simply projections of the internet made flesh… they are likely actual people.


I’ve done so many mythics this week lol

Was a nice week to get KSM, so ran a ton on this guy and my hunter

I dont think I can even look at them for a few days

Ah I just need to finish the weekly quest.

Shouldn’t be super hard to get a group if you just want them done, low key or base mythic be easy enough probably maybe

Well, depending on guild members

Who cares about gender. Just go kill some enemy faction players. Ill see you in the next bg.