LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

To get onto people’s ignore lists? 😵‍💫

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yup I’m going for the world record amount of ignores!

The weight of such knowledge is a burden we all must bear at somepoint

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Okay. Weird flex, but you do you!

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Thank you for your contribution!

I almost ignored that fox… everyone knows that fox… :stuck_out_tongue: But I somehow had the willpower to resist.

Either the willpower or the insanity. Not sure.

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Frostera is the best poster on this forum though.

“I don’t think I have any one on my ignore list.”
/shy giggle

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I gotta be honest, I’m not entirely sure who you mean lol

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I’ve ignored plenty of people in casual PvP :stuck_out_tongue: and people who spoiled Game of Thrones. Special place in hell for those people.


Consider yourself lucky :sweat_smile:

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I dont think I’ve ever ignored anyone ever. Even back in the day when reporting gold sellers would automatically add them to your ignore list in game, I’d go and manually remove them.

Ignore is for people that are just angry that others are right and they are wrong.

Out of curiosity, why would you manually remove them?

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My brain tends to just think of the Plastic Beach album when this topic comes up

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Ignore cap.

Is that why you want to get on ignore lists? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why would you torture yourself like this

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yes! because then I will be the rightest person on GD!

I dont know really. I just dont like ignoring people. I do have kind of a weird hangup about people ignoring me, so maybe its related to that.