LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“There is such a thing, as Honor among Rogues. Just look at Captain Jack Sparrow.”

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Heh Preacher wasn’t that cool but I get ya. ( Preachers his name just heads up. He’s a tiefling with bat wings )

I vaguely remember one time he tried to steal something out of a bag in the party but the minor details are foggy. But he got talked out of it by a teammate.

But he had no issues teaching a street kid some cool pickpocket techniques.

He was the “Hey you’re nice to me so I’m nice to you. Cross me and I will hold a grudge like no tomorrow” ( But he’s also kinda easy to win his fondness back if you know what to do ) type.

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“Sounds just like Captain Jack.”

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More like Capn Jack that would purr and go kinda limp if you scratched behind his pointy ears just right


“Have you seen how easily a Woman can melt him? Do you even KNOW Captain Jack? Gold melts him too.”

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Lol I really do try to do things in character but still apologize because I feel bad.

Once someone wanted to turn my character into a Dino, but I wasn’t willing, so we had to roll off. I consider that a good moment because I didnt just let them do it haha

I love this spell. I make tea with mine so my sorcerer can live in decadence even on the road.

Lore wise with my character is it was one of the first cantrips he learned. ( His first actual spell was Find Familiar ) And since he was in a sort of street kid orphan gang he loved making their scraps of food taste like sweets or cake. Helps if all they could swipe was some sort of stale bread. Since hey stale cake still tastes good.

It also helped with keeping all their clothes clean


Hello. It’s been a while but I hope things are going well. I just needed a break with everything that was going on last month.


My first two characters were super greedy types that always grabbed gold first. My third character was a druid from what i envisioned as like a communist colony that lacked any concept of money, so I just never took any gold. My group was so used to me grabbing the gold that it was like several sessions in when they realized I was completely ignoring gold and we’d left like 200 gold behind over the course of the adventure.

You want to find a transgender informed doctor and a transgender informed psychiatrist and therapist. Not all doctors and clinicians are created equal.

You also may want to think back throughout the child’s life to see if there were indicators that you might have missed—stuff like wanting to play with the opposite sex’s toys or wear their clothes, being one of the boys as a girl or one of the girls as a boy, stuff like that.

This would help build the case towards hormone blockers if that’s a possibility. Blockers can help reduce the amount of surgeries they may make as an adult and give them time to work through the process of affirming they are for sure trans and deciding if they want to actually transition. (Not everyone who is trans actually transitions.)

On an unrelated note for the general participants in the thread.

I had blood work done and got the results back.
My blood glucose levels were normal despite the presence of ketones (which makes it appear higher). I officially don’t have prediabetes/diabetes and don’t need to give up pasta. I’m so relieved.

My thyroid stimulating hormone was a whole point too high, along with other results indicative of hypothyroidism. It explains why my body went, “screw you” and I gained like a hundred pounds in the last two years. I’ve started synthetic thyroid hormone alongside my diet and exercise. In a year or two I’ll be back to normal.

I’m so relieved.


Preacher the Tiefling had some greed but his curiosity about magic things was a teensy weeny bit stronger than that. Once he knew they had plenty of spare coin for their friends he also worried less about gold.

He would often scam people sort of like Dr Terminus from Pete’s Dragon ( even having his wings being like his cape when he had Disguise Self going )

He’d distract people and get easy money out of them while his friends would rummage through the crowds pockets.

i hope all the lovely folks of this thread have a fun weekend! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As for myself i’ma be mostly lazy, maybe work on some character art and watch some movies and gear up some characters.


Really hoping this passes into a better situation for you soon sending you the best of wishes


“Love the new Glasses.”


The glasses are really nice.

Someone told me the glasses weren’t good looking on Worgen, but I think I look nice.


You look fabulous, darling.


They look fine its just all my years of doodling furry stuff I keep wanting to just move the temple pieces so that they’re more under the ear rather than way up on the upper part of the ear.

Buuuut some furry artists do it the way blizz did but man it just bugs me lol. Or artists just don’t bother drawing the temple and tips part of the glasses at all. Instead having just the lens visible

Like this.


“I think they look good on everyone. Even the half lenses.”

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“Just checked your Armory. Those are perfect for you. That is the style I am getting for MY Worgen too.”

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Oh, my. I’m not the only one.

I wouldn’t mind that.

I liked them best on this toon.

It feels so right doesn’t it? :smiley: