well that’s because psychological horror is just the best imo. But I’m biased, I just like the idea of stuff that gets in your head a LOT.
I do just like seeing the monsters in Silent Hill and how they relate to characters. It’s like looking at ink blot tests. Anyone can look and relate
“I never played the game, but I totally LOVED the Movies.”
The first Silent Hill movie was cool. The 2nd one? Eh. Nice sets. That’s about it lol
“I liked the second one a lot. It was less confusing than the first. But I enjoyed them both greatly.”
I try not to complain to much, the fact that even one was decent is amazing. Game to movie adaptations usually are really really awful.
Yeah Silent Hills movies for the most part at least understood the basics with only a few changes.
Then you get something like Monster Hunter where the director thought it was stupid Capcom told them “Hey you gave this monster curled nails when they don’t have that” so it had to be changed. This same monster was also made into a carnivore when it eats cacti in the games.
“I thought Blizzard did a good job on theirs.”
A troll posted another straight pride troll thread. Please ignore it.
In the meantime be tickled with my draft of the LGBTQIA thread bingo card with almost all the greatest hits.
“We don’t care” (but we really do)
“Shoving it down our throats”
Conflating sex and gender
“This is a video game”
“I play this to escape reality”
“Virtue Signaling”
Classic Character
Low level alt.
Making fun of the acronym
“Mental Illness”
“Safe Space”
“Special Treatment”
Flagged post
“Keep it to Yourself”
Completely random aside, someone linked me r/egg_irl, and its way too relatable.
What a great subreddit.
I’d give you a like but I’m out.
That’s what they’ve been doing for years now. It didn’t win them the 2020 election.
You’re entirely too fixated on this ‘issue’ to the point I’m doubting your core claims .
The Straights™ sure are pressed about us having a thread. Privilege is a hell of a drug.
Honestly they only barely lost, and in response they’re passing more restrictive voting laws. Pretty worried about 2022 and 2024.
Sothe will introduce him. I have declared him my dad after all.
Rose you just get it. I mean you GET IT. Reading my mind.
I don’t think I am a big fan of horror but I really do like the Scream movies. I hope 5/6 really do get made with the same cast.
Which is currently a 6-3 conservative supermajority who just appointed ACB who the most hardcore Catholic ever.
Nothing, knock yourself out. Live a happy life.
No it’s not.
You BARELY won in 2020, and that’s with people like me voting for Joe Biden. The giga far-left is throwing. I’ll never vote conservative, but in 2024 if its a choice between some super liberal nutjob and Trump I just won’t vote.
Good luck.
Yea there is no super liberal crazy far left in actual American politics
You have the far right, and the right/center
Are you insane?
You think “The Squad” is the same as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?