LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Trumpers have to cope with the fact that their fascist lost by accusing the conservative who beat him of being a communist.

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Lol yeah, the whole communist Marxist thing is hilarious. That one won’t be effective as it’s so stupid, and anyone with an elementary school education can see through their nonsense.

It 100% is. When the West Virginia governor signed a bill banning trans people from competing on teams aligning with their gender, a reporter asked him for a single time this has ever been an issue in West Virginia and he couldnt come up with even one example.

Its a nonsense culture war issue made up by the right wing because hating on gays has become politically untenable even among the right these days, so they’ve picked a new target.


I remember reading another story on that

People trying to act like it’s this big wave of people just all becoming trans over night and taking over

Was something like a registered 50k-55k youth girls in the system and a whole 2 trans people

But they’re taking over!!


It was the same when they were obsessed with the bathrooms a few years back. Guess that one doesnt poll well anymore either.

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Yea once the statistic saying you were more likely to be assaulted in a women’s bathroom by a Republican Senator than a trans woman was shown to be true

Kinda ruined that fear mongering

(How do people think a bathroom sign defends them?)


If it’s a non issue stop trying to have dudes compete with women then. Just make a trans league or compete with whatever you were born as. Nobody trying to watch LeBron James in the WBNA, you are giving red hats ammunition.

Luckily no one is doing that!

Literally a new story on the news every day about how some trans dude is upset they can’t be on the girls volley ball team.

A trans dude would want to be on the male team, not the female team.

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Do you just read the same news story everyday

Cuz I don’t see a “new story everyday” in fact I barely see any stories

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Don’t derail arguing about semantics, you know it’s an issue and people born with male parts trying to get on the girl’s volleyball team is a battle I don’t think you will ever win. It’s just so obviously unfair to all the straight girls competing for the same spot.

Gay girls are an issue for sports as well?

Where does it end with you


Its almost like he’s arguing in bad faith. :thinking:


Oh yeah, I mean FoxNews is jumping at the chance to publish anything that makes the far left look crazy, and even CNN is picking up more stories about it lately.

FoxNews playbook involves crying about CRT and trans ppl trying to change the rules for sports leagues.

Not a news station

Barely any stories at all

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Lol no you know what I mean. Non-trans girls. Obviously there is no competitive advantage for gay vs straight.

You can call Fox whatever you want but millions of people read their articles and watch their programs.

You are playing into their hand with this one.

Yes yes, and we were playing into their hands when we wanted gays to be able to marry. And when we wanted black people to have rights. If we didnt do things that riled up fragile conservatives we’d never had made any progress.


They themselves say it’s not news and “no one would believe it”

That’s as their defense in lawsuits against them for spreading dangerous misinformation, so yea you have to be a complete idiot to take anything foxnews says seriously

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