This isn’t the forum for this. We have places to do this that don’t act like a lightning rod for negative attention.
Nice opinion. If you don’t like the thread just mute it.
Mute and move on, and you won’t have to worry.
Now i know you guys are taking the piss and intentionally trying to draw in negative attention.
I’m a transgender man playing wow where there is a transgender man wow character Pelagos. There’s no reason why I should be excluded from the forums for wanting to talk about wow LGBTQIA characters.
I pay 75 dollars a month for this game. I deserve a space just as much as you do. Or even five times as much as you do.
I mean, the only one being negative here right now is you. We’re simply providing ways to fix the issue for yourself.
Man you’re getting ripped off
Well technically I have five x 6mo subs but still.
I should like the thread with all my alts. It would be hilarious.
And i’m a bisexual man playing wow. Who thinks multiboxers are a blight.
I have the same problem with this as i do with pride parades. This whole thing brings fury down upon our heads. Maybe you like that. But we don’t all like it.
I think you are incorrect and your take isn’t good.
But if you don’t like this thread you can report it.
If people are mad that this thread exists, that’s a them problem.
If they come in here and troll, act antagonistic, or spew hate they’re breaking the tos, even if they decide to larp being LGBTQIA. If they want to risk a vacation for breaking the ToS, that’s their problem.
It’s not my fault people don’t have self-control and can’t find the mute button.
So much concern.
Very well.

OR, parents across the country will realize this is stupid, as boys are just superior to girls in athletics, and they will vote for politicians running on the platform of “Yeah this is dumb I’ll make it illegal” and we will be left with more people like Ron DeSantis who just recently signed a bill banning trans students from competing in Florida.
And then it will go to the supreme court.

The majority of America doesn’t give 2 craps about who you are or how you live your life.
Wait. Weren’t you just saying they do and that’s why your side will win?

We want you to be whoever makes you happy
No. They don’t.

and will support trans rights.
They already don’t.

However, when those rights infringe on the rights of others, you are going to have major pushback.
What rights am infringing on by getting a Yeeturus (hysterectomy), going on hormones, and saying, “he,” when people misgender me?

At the end of the day people are self interested, and more people have straight daughters than they do trans ones
Straight and trans are not antonyms.
This whole women’s sports debacle is entirely fabricated by the right.

You can talk until you are blue in the face about how there is no difference between boys and girls or whatever but at the end of the day average American parents don’t want to watch their daughters getting hit by a pitch in softball by a boy.
I agree. We need to improve education nationwide so we stop spreading misinformation, hate, and whitewashing history.

Pick your battles, or you will lose the war.
I’m sorry, you’re on the wrong side of history and 2020 already shows who is losing.

This isn’t the forum for this. We have places to do this that don’t act like a lightning rod for negative attention.
If you live your life caring about unjustified negative attention, that’s on you. You can’t project that onto the rest of us.
Every day on the internet I get to read comments from people who claim people who look like me are murderous, unintelligent beasts who have victim complexes, alongside the standard anti-LGBTQ sentiments. It’s a double whammy for me, and I still have gender privilege.
If I cared so much about avoiding their “negative attention” that I would decidedly make them more comfortable rather than simply existing in the same space I’m entitled to as them, I would never be able to do anything in my life.
Stop making people who are uncomfortable due to their own biases and other BS comfortable by shrinking yourself. You don’t have to be loud and proud about it, but telling other people to not post about it in ONE megathread ain’t the move.

If I cared so much about avoiding their “negative attention” that I would decidedly make them more comfortable rather than simply existing in the same space I’m entitled to as them, I would never be able to do anything in my life.
That’s profound. I am sorry.
All good. No worries
Did you flag the thread yet?
Yes but now i wish i hadn’t.
straight people want to be oppressed sooooooooooooo badly and this thread is glaring proof. find a hobby please.

Yes but now i wish i hadn’t.
Should have just muted it and moved along.
No reason to hurt others just because.