It’s not like Blizzard will delete a thread that they’ve approved multiple times.
You guys gather together to call down the lightning. I get struck as a consequence of that. I’m upset, but i don’t have words to express it eloquently.
Unless someone actually feels this somehow violates the CoC they shouldn’t be flagging it. And since Blizzard has upheld it more than once already, it clearly does not.
Flagging it these days is just an attempt at punishing this community.
Whereas muting it and moving on is an adult and reasonable thing to do if you truly don’t agree or want to see it.
Thats my opinion anyways.
Don’t break the ToS and just let people vibe?
We’re just sitting here chilling most of the time.
The we have people come in and try to rough us up and we’re like…
I’ll be honest. I’d fail every time at a dance off…
So would Star Lord to be fair.
but hes a wonderful distraction.
Was questioning this breaking the tos?
We’re more like aggressive chassé and spin.
Lots of people come into this thread being sea lions—asking questions in bad faith as a form of trolling which is against the ToS.
You came into the thread in opposition and wanting our chill space deleted for no good reason. This is being advesarial and some folks might view it as trolling. It certainly is going to invite defensive attitudes in response from people who make this thread our home.
And you kept it up even after I explained why the thing is here. An unadvesaeial person would have said, “oh okay” and left it as that and you kept making a mountain out of a molehill.
yea very loving place indeed.
i can feel the love radiating from my sceen
we are the same, you get over it now
Welcome to a space that is intolerant of intolerance.
Be a bro and chill with us, or don’t.
I guess i’ll have to sit atop the hill and wait to see if the ban strikes me down or not.
The reason i came in here is because of the other threads deletion. My feeling is that if the other thread was deleted this should have been too. In retrospect that was selfish eye for an eye thinking. As a bi man i’m not welcome in most LGBT spaces, i’m not LGBT enough.
Part of how i was able to come out was becoming an adversarial person. To stop letting people walk all over me and define what it meant to be me for me. But that doesn’t mean that i can’t be wrong. And it doesn’t mean my anger can’t be misplaced. My harassment isn’t your guy’s fault. And i’m sorry. I really am.
you wont get hit, you haven’t even been flagged.
And see that’s wrong. I’m totally against bi-erasure. I’m pretty sure both of my roommates are bi, and in a straight marriage. Doesn’t make them less bi.
Even if you do get hit, if you’ve never been hit before it’ll be like 24 hours. Don’t worry about it.
You’re welcome to chill with us if you want.
“Hey everyone, I’m gay, thank.”
sums up this thread. Thanks for letting us know, I don’t care about people orientation on a video game.
I agree. Remove all relationships in wow. I’m tired of heterosexual romance being sHoVeD dOwN mY tHrOaT. This is a video game and I play to escape reality.
I mean there’s better game then World of Warcrap which even allows players to have gay weddings. Imo just change, this game sucks to be honest, we got RP servers but never had any RP support. I mean we sit on ground in all horde cities except Silvermoon with just more bench then needed everywhere.
Why should I have to change?
I can play two flavors of SL at once.
THis thread has been up since April and for the most part has been a chill and friendly thread .
It hasn’t really been until most recently that people have been coming in here trolling the thread making comments like yours .
I’m a straight white republican . Have voted for every Republican president and candidate since the first President Bush . I consider myself to be a Reagan Republican and all I have to say is .