LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

you call everything you dont like “the right”

neither i or her are “the right” but pop off.


How dare you oppress people by doing stuff that cis people have done for thousands of years

You should be ashamed of yourself

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If you post rhetoric that is typically expressed by rightists, people are going to think you’re a rightist.


Maybe don’t trot out a story that the only place I’ve found it showing up is heavily right leaning news sites?


I know. Right.

I’m such a silly transgender guy, wanting the same basic human rights and to be treated with human decency.

I should leave those poor cisgender people alone and stop oppressing them because they’ll totally lose their rights of I gain them because it’s all zero sum.


Silly me. I thought that the declaration of independence said that we behold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have unalienable rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Apparently that only applies to cisgender people.


Especially when “actually I’m a leftist and your wrong and the other guy is based and redpilled” is an actual thing that righties do. It’s quite funny the extent that they’ll try to play pretend just to try and get higher ground in an argument via credibility.


Funny, the only place i get back lash for expressing my sexuality and speaking my mind is left spaces, lmfao. and its usually directed at my person, not my ideas.


Anyone else remember that politician who forgot to swap his account while claiming to be a black gay man?

Why do I get a familiar feeling…


You’re getting jumped on because you are expressing anti-trans rhetoric, not because you’re gay.

Maybe you haven’t been in enough right spaces. Why don’t you walk in to your local Proud Boys meeting waving a rainbow flag and see how that goes.

This thread is inappropriate.


You can report it.

case in point.

Anyways, dont forget new friends:

If you know who you are, you do not need to prove it to anybody or have anybody conform it. :slight_smile: happy pride!

I know. Those people at Stonewall should have never protested after people were arrested for being gay and trans. They should have just shut up and dealt with it. They didn’t need to prove “it” to anyone.

Honestly I like the discourse, but lack the fortitude to participate myself. I mean, I hate that y’all have to keep defending yourselves from these people. But I like seeing them get owned.

Some people might not like the drama, but it’s basically free bumps from people that are enraged that the thread exists. Which is still pretty ironic because they’d probably see it less if they just muted it or just didn’t reply.


I understand that the rhetoric can get extremely exhausting.

We have a discord because the anti-LGBTQIA people demanded we be shoved off into a closet out of sight out of mind.

You can come hang with us there. I basically boot phobes upon entry. It’s a legit chill place.

You can share the url to this discord server:

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Go watch the 2021 GOP CPAC…

Their entire platform moving forward is going to be to just point at the more ridiculous far-left ideas and asking: “Is this what you want for our country?”

I’m scared it’s going to work, because as a liberal who voted for Joe Biden, even I have to admit they have a point on some of these…like dudes competing as women in professional sports is one issue that will never seem fair to me. Either make a trans league and compete with each other or compete with whatever you were born as.


Why would anyone want to watch that?

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Because there were a bunch of trolls posting lots of LGBTQIA threads to raise community ire at the LGBTQIA population to try and get us bullied and isolated.

So one of the haters suggested a Megathread. So one was made for legitimate LGBTQIA+ people and allies to hang out, be nerdy, and talk about LGBTQIA+ related wow stuff without harassment.

The thread largely worked at cutting down the frequency of troll threads.

Unfortunately gross people are still triggered by the thread and come in here, half the time larping as LGBTQIA, wanting to vomit up their gross takes. They get reported and yeeted daily.

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