LGBT+ Positivity Thread

Looks like my personal fan club is all here, in a predictable manner, on a predictable thread.

You guys need a hobby.

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I’ve never had a twitter. Too much social cancer there for me. Tumblr is fun to point and laugh at.

It’s not silly, the artist is bi and just wanted to do something cute for pride celebrations my dude :man_shrugging:


That’s fine, but that doesn’t mean I’ll think it’s not stupid lol

bi flag colors would be pretty cute for the horde / alliance symbols ngl


I’m confused about this sorry. My comment was asking what sabina meant by ‘shoving down peoples throat’. I don’t blame anyone for my situation other than the people involved in it. Thanks for your empathy though, really! (not sarcasm).

They did that to themselves, some of these users are living embodiments of that stereotype, and Twitter picked up the cancerous tumblrinas when Tumblr started dropping the hammer on all adult content and artists who did it.

id have to agree, my sister is gay, and when my grands went crazy on her I step up and said F you…she can be whatever she wants to be, big issue in my fam. it pisses me off that old schol crap still is around.

I have a few screenshots from timblr saved to my Comedy folder. Someone that Identified as a Gem Dragon was eating their mothers jewelry because they thought they’d starve, and was looking to others for desperate alternatives, at the same time condemning their mother for being angry lol.

They did those as well!


It’s all just pointless and stupid at the end of the day, but if you want me to take things seriously for just a slight moment. Then I’d say look at these replies and how people resounded to them, genuinely consider how many people made assumptions.

Doesn’t matter whom someone may be regardless of sexuality or whatever, no one likes it when assumptions are made.

Thankfully moms a little better. Back in my early teens however she was in denial about how abusive my grandma was. So my cousin and I got the brunt of it.


And yet they always preach we’re the evil ones for calling them what they are.


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Understand and sorry you had to go thru that.

Honestly didn’t even know there was such a thing as bi flag colors and I’m bi, it’s still weird.

I don’t alt hop…well not always.

Sometimes it’s just to show solidarity to fellow Vulpera.

Except for Gnomes and Panda’s. I just can’t…won’t. Actually I think I deleted the ones I had.

Maybe it’s because I’m older, but I can tell the difference between modern corporate activism, and old school reality. Stuff like “The Cosby Show” was just a sitcom with a black family.

Not a sitcom of a “PoC family, enduring systemic problems, sponsored by Capital One”


Eh I lived. My brain can’t tell what my personality is anymore but I lived lol.

( Look I might as well laugh a little about how my brain basically broke then frantically glued itself together )

Define older?

Imagine replying to a person you have muted because you can’t stand to be called a conspiracy theorist and a delusional, sadistic person.