LGBT+ Positivity Thread

And yet people of other religious and alt believes non gay get killed all the time all around the worlds.

Check their thread history. If it’s politics or alphabet stuff, you’d best believe they pull that card out of their hat eventually (and unprevoked).

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Ah, that’s believable. I was just curious because some dudes alt hop for other reasons.

As a man that likes other dudes, I’ll cancel out your judgemental attitude and say they’re fine.


Here does this work for ya?

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Why do people even bother when it’s that easy to smoke out the alt hoppers?

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im not a dude, rather a very well educated person that doesnt hide in a debate.

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They will also flag you for mean posts, and spread hatred towards those that dare to challenge them.

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How would you define ‘being forced down others throats?’ For my family, simply existing as LGBT and getting married was ‘forcing it down their throats’.


I don’t understand why all the instigation in an positivity thread.

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Hell I couldn’t even get my haircut to be shorter because my parents would REE thinking I was a gay woman.

Like for real. Parents are stupidly obsessed with their kids hair

Based on what you said, Pride is fine “as long it’s being not shoved down our throats”.

What constitutes that

Then thats your issue not mine. Im sorry you have a fam that is not forgiving or tolerant, and again, im sorry but thats not my fault!

Most the times it’s from newer users that don’t understand that people can find alt hoppers just from looking at achievement score, and if it’s suspiciously close check collections. Or if the alt hopper raises suspicion then people check collections as well.

No room for nuance thinking. no room to accept others have differing opinions or beliefs. If it offends/upsets, they flag.

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Frostera literally said they wanted to kill protestors in previous threads.


It’s kind of like Twitter, and Tumblr before Tumblr got purged. Man I hated those sites.

Sooo they never had seen as Female grunt in the marines getting a Jones cut? It happens all the time.

Correct. Ironically, they call for the punishment of others for posting things they don’t like.


My grandma was just stupid.