LGBT+ Positivity Thread

The other big thread was flat out unlisted by Blizz as well. The other one got shoved to the lore thread.

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Because gay pride is something that’s fine and great if used for things that matter, but when the rainbow colors are applied to everything it just makes it pointless after awhile as there’s not much pride attached to it anymore. Moderation is generally key if you want to have something keep it’s meaning or else it’s just becomes pointless.

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well put, Pride is fine as long as its not being forced down others throats.

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This thread isn’t going to end well.

And yet non lgbt have no issues shoving their sexuality in my face. For a majority of my life.

You guys have it easy compared to that

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These threads never do, they always end in a scream fest and a mud slinging fest.

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I have NEVER done that…again dont you DARE put me on that label!

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The fact that I instantly see Rosenivy here indicates it’s going to be a dumpster fire lol.

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Can you lay it out in a way that doesn’t sound like LGBT are out to get you, that they’re not some malevolent force

Oh please I meant non lgbt as a whole. Calm down

It’s funny, wherever she is, there’s always bound to be chaos. I wonder why… Me? I’m just drawn to it. Like a moth to a flame.

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The artist likes wow and wanted to do something nice for their LGBTQI+ followers. Not everything has to have a grand meaning to matter.


Just curious on why the alt hop :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


how about you dont take it out of context? What I mean if a straight pride event tries to happen in cali its smoked before it can even get started. How is that fair?

They due yield some sort of entertainment tbh. And from their first post, it’s a countdown to when they use their identity as a validation point for their argument, which is abhorrent to do.

I may not be as active in this thread, I just wanted to stop by and see what was going on, and say hi to you when I saw you :smiley:

Too each their own, but I just think it’s a bit silly thinking that you need to single gay people and out and pander to them with something so baseless as a rainbow colored horde/alliance symbol.

because i had to relog from a restart, got an issue on how blizzard logs us on a toon then take it with them…


Non lgbt don’t need pride.

The last I checked, the world is a safe space for straight people. Honestly, straight pride has the same energy as a kid at another kid’s birthday party crying because they’re not the center of attention.


You have a right to do what you want in your private life and other people have a right to say that they don’t like you for it.

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Heh, well thanks for the greeting! I appreciate that, and you are on to something. There is a pattern with that one.