LGBT+ Positivity Thread

Where does it show she/he (Fostera) is against LGBT?
She/He is expressing an opinion about different things as other’s are doing and yet she/he is not alright?

What constitutes being alright? Perfect agreement with the majority?

Not alright…being against the majority and having a difference of opinion.

It’s Sunday. Typically most threads are missed until Monday.
Plus I’m not even sure if they are all back in office or still working from home.

Mods aren’t as active as they are during the work week.
I’ve seen many threads disappear. Some are just left alone to either continue on
die. This one isn’t/wasn’t bad. But it’s well on it’s way to becoming one.

It’s not. You’re right.

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The threads were deleted but they’ve made bogus claims that lgbt were slaughtering non lgbt. Then proceeded to not show proof then cry about the president

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Why did they annoy you? They’re just the horde/alliance crests that an artist recoloured for pride :man_shrugging:

I remember when gay people wanted to be treated the same as everyone else, and not be treated like they were different. And now things are completely the opposite with threads like this.

Clearly I’m not baiting at all.

Threads like this are only a trap if there’s something wrong with you.

Could be worse…you could be camping a NPC to buy a 2 mil gold Spider mount for 2 days and he does even spawn once…

but yet here YOU are…

Ughhh. Idk how anyone has the patience for that.

In my experience, it’s actually other people who make out that our sexuality is the most ‘important’ part of who we are as LGBT people.

I would have been very happy to live a quiet, boring life, however my family decided that being gay was against their religion and so my parents, brother and extended family cut me out of their lives as I was planning my wedding to my husband, after telling me they wouldn’t be attending.

To me, my sexuality was just another part of who I was. But to them, it was everything and completely changed how they saw me.

So I’ve had to build a new family of people who don’t see my sexuality as the most important part of me, and whose love is not conditional on who I am married to.


believe me mine is abouuuuut run out…booze and 3 weeks off starting NOW…ya…only way

You know that GIF where someone watches the point flying past above them? Think of that. =)

necromancers are the most wicked people on the forums, they can revive dead bait and act under the alias that they just didn’t know any better to avoid a ban.

I can’t say if true or not. But why bring the deleted threads up? Just let it die.
If what you say is true (not saying you are lying) then they will will post more
of the same and eventually be suspended/banned from forum.

Granted I understand where you’d want to defend and comment…but I’ve learned sometimes it’s best to stay quiet.
Although I’ve been in FB jail a few times and still haven’t learned. :stuck_out_tongue:

You asked me where does it show they were anti lgbt so I answered

sorry only thing fly past is these pints…

wait…howd we get to the trumpster going to bed…

Ooo So you guys have that powah? I may dust off my dusty lock and…

Nah…I’ll leave that class to people who can play it like it deserves.

That’s my fault. Forget I said anything.

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Ahh… I stand corrected.