LGBT+ Positivity Thread

well i dont have to, and if they think a law makes me have to accept them on their terms tuffdooky! Respect is a 2 way road. All my neighbors are Gay and I have zero issues with any of them, in fact I taught a number of them how to shoot and be responsible gun owners.

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With how BFA played out? I’d say they’ve gotten worse than they’ve ever been…

A delay to get the gameplay right has nothing to do with the lore. So I’m not sure why you brought that up.

I meant their way of writing relationships is getting better

Relationships? Its a Video game…not real life…Stop trying to make it real…

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I meant BFA.

Careful with that last sentence, Blizzard doesn’t like talk about boomsticks, they’re akin to real life threats ya know?

But that’s good to hear, respect is earned, not deserved, regardless of who you are, and no one is entitled to my respect unless you show me you are deserving of it. That is how society should work.

And I’m not talking about that

gestures to all the other real things that are in the game for story telling purposes

Fiction needs pinches of realism


well I guess necromancy makes some sense since it’s getting close to the prepatch.

Which you didn’t mention until after I made my comment.

if this means you’re a douchebag to everyone at first because it is “earned” then I disagree.


It’s basically how I am in real life, I’ve been trampled on enough by those in their ivory towers, I’ll talk to you normally, but don’t think I’m going to think you’re special because of something unique you’re doing.

You want respect? Then show me you’re worthy of it. It’s how I roll and how I see undesirables before they can take advantage of me.

Love and support all of our LGBTQ community members! :heart::heart::heart:


I dunno about anyone else, but I’m more likely to purposely be an absolute piece of crap to people with this personality. I’m a bit vengeful, so my first instinct when some dude doesn’t respect me gets the mutual feeling right back at them.


I tend to play the game as intended, Virtually…

Fine by me, just shows you’re too sensitive to talk serious subjects with.

The real world is a harsh place, not everyone will greet you with Sunshines and rainbows. Some don’t trust anyone unless their trust is earned.

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No ones respect is earned via a law, its not automatic! Given and gotten. period. Oh im not worried about Blizzard nor activision. Helps having a Legal back ground.

Nah, you choose how you got treated yourself. Don’t be a sucky person to me, and I won’t be a sucky person to you


Mood. First impressions really stick with me and are hard to undo


In this day and age, what does one enemy even mean when I’m faced with a legion of them? Some that are not even of this realm.

The problem with respect is that it can mean (1) treating people with the inherent consideration they deserve as sentient living souls, and (2) with an air of authority.

I find that a lot of people who say something along the lines of “You have to give respect to get respect” actually mean they expect you to give them definition (2) before they will give you definition (1).

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