LGBT+ Positivity Thread




  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

“he had a phobia about being under water”
Not gonna find alotta people that are afraid of gay people.

They exist. Mostly due to parents instilling it into them as kids.

The aids epidemic even got to doctors who refused to treat some lgbt patients. ( We still can’t donate blood even if we’re clean for this reason ) Or a trans guy that had cancer on his yet to be removed ovaries. Doctors wouldn’t take them out which is what he wanted anyway. They died.

Eh, that’s a bit of a reach for being afraid of gay folk. More afraid of the disease to be fair.

I’m not a doctor so I’m not really qualified to comment there. There might have been reasons, idk.

And thanks to a LOT of misinformation, people thought just being near a gay person was too risky

They thought it would “harm their practice”

Okay, I read the wiki. Yeah it sucks for that person, but at the same time that is a valid concern. If they had messed up somehow they’d be in DEEP trouble.

There’s nothing risky about removing ovaries and the uterus. Even back then.

Yeah, but working on trans folk wasn’t big back then. Like I said I’m not a doctor or anything, but what if maybe they messed something up so the trans person couldn’t get the fake “junk”?
Idk, just saying it is a valid concern that I can understand as someone who’s looking from the outside.

That specific surgery even now isn’t that great. So most trans guys just wear packers. I’d go into detail about how that surgery works but I’m not sure the mods here would like it

Body wise they were no different than someone needing a hysterectomy

Threads like this remind me I don’t really belong in this community, still WoW is a good game.


Yeah I wouldn’t want details either lol.

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At the end of the day, Love everyone!!! We’re all human-beings…:slight_smile: we should be nicer to one another, had to come back and see this thread is HUGE!!!..:wink: When I see a face, I see a human-being, not a lifestyle etc (only describing). So, don’t take my statement, the wrong way. There is way too much hate, in this world today!!! Especially, in America!!! smdh

Thank the media for that, everytime it starts to get peaceful and quiet a new “outrage” appears to rile us all up again.

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I think it’s great.

IT’s cool man. I feel for you. It can be tough but it is workable. Just don’t give up. I recently saw a mom who tried to drown her autistic son and people saved him. She succeeded an hour later :frowning:

My son wasn’t identified young because his mom just left one day and all the issues he had they put on that or me being a single dad. He did good till high school - he just wasnt like the other kids. His sister wanted to move to moms and I let him go to. By 12 th grade his mom and step dad had him broke down so far )pressure to confirm and be like all the other kids) he spent over a month in a mental hospital and had been homeless for a few weeks at a time. He did this cycle a few times will his mom finally stopped trying to stop him from moving back with me and he came home. He got his HS diploma just because they didn’t want him to come back to his HS - he missed the last month while he was in the hospital.

it took 2 years and probably 7-8 psychs till they finally changed his diagnosis as autistic. For the first time he feels like his diagnosis fits. The violent the outbursts stopped. His neurologists says he is about the level of a 12 year old - now that I know that, I treat him a little differently ( I didn’t have much issue with him but every little bit helps) and he is a completely different person. He will be with me till I die.

Why did I write this long post? As sad as it is, knowing what is really wrong can help a lot. Take time for yourself when you need it. Prepare for your son as a Disabled Adult Child under SSI. ABLE accounts are great see if you can open one now to save for him for later in life (ABLE accounts do not count against gov benefits)

Good luck to you sir, I wish you the best!

homophobic? nah , my oldest daughter is lez, my x wife/oldest friend is a lez thats into trans people (she was that way since 8th grade)…

.my wife now is bi .one of my best friends are gay. but it would be appreciated and they all agree to stop making every damn thing in your life circle back to the lgbtq-50 other letters bs…

we dont care, im a straight white male, if your a trans black/native american that identifies as a rooster… great!!!..

now would you please get your damn parade out of the middle of the road so i can go get my dogs food


Who needs movie theatres when you’re gonna project so hard?

Yet you are here, reading this thread, and by choice…


Adding some positivity! +++


Flagged as inappropriate

I’m curious to see what new race they could possibly be or what world they speak of.

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