LGBT+ Positivity Thread

The “who cares” brigade only comes out when a couple is not heteronormative.

Heteronormative couple? Crickets.


We finally got a gay couple in a video game? unheard of! guess all homophobia has been stopped? Oh that’s right of course not because just cause it is a gay couple doesn’t mean it can’t be a poorly written mess.

Sylameass - Poorly written and also happens to be a woman and women can’t be poorly written so all gender discrimination has been stopped.

Jaina - Poorly written

Thrall - Dear good help us he is bad

Anduin - Please get rid of him he aint king

New gay couple we’ll have to see if Blizzards writing team which might i remind people wrote BFA and you think they can make a gay couple feel not forced or written like a fan fic.

Just to be clear you can be gay, straight, Dolphin or even a alien toaster and still be poorly written if the writing team is a hack i have no faith in this new couple as the latest elf couple was just cringe and that was a straight couple.

don’t forget you have until july 1st before the :rainbow_flag: solidarity runs out with corporations.


Hey man at least if everyone is badly written then it’s equality.

Least Blizz doesn’t write like Naughty Dog. 7 freaking years for them to write “DUhhhhhhh revenge is bad but it’s okay if you realize it after you killed a WHOLE LOTTA dudes before you stopped your big revenge plot on the one that killed Joel”

Also Lor’themar and Thalyssra are fine

As someone who never actually play the first game in the series watching Naughty Dog fall so far down from grace is quite sad but to be fair this wasn’t mostly all Naughty Dog this was a Neil Druckman wet dream he had 90% of the story written merely for himself.

The only relationship i care about in WoW is the one between Me and Khadgar if only he’d accept me as more then just champion.

/nods in understanding with Khadgar

Yeah Neil really threw the lgbt under the bus with his “writing”. The bigots hate the game. A good chunk of lgbt hate the game. No one is freaking happy with that game.

Biggest issue i have is games like TLOU2 actually helps people with hate against the LGBT because they can point to it and go well this is what happens when you let the LGBT into video game stories.

It’s truely a feat of strength when you create a game about having LGBT only to create such tripe that everyone agrees is as if someone took a Deviantart fan fic and just threw up on paper.

You will never have people accept LGBT characters until you allow them to flow naturally into a narrative but here’s a question i’d ask people alot have you ever seen a video game that has LGBT characters come out and not say they have them just let the player find out naturally like with a regular straight couple.

I just want a video game to come out and not need to go to Twitter and put in big bold letters “WE HAVE A LGBT CHARACTER” just add them in and let the players find them as if you would in real life cause most gays / Trans / Bi’s do not wear t’shirts that say what they are.


Eeeeeyup. -_- One idiot can easily dismantle all the good creators efforts.

I just want Cyberpunk 2077 to happen already. They’re just “Yeah you can be cis, trans, non binary. Whatev” I’m not even sure my pc can handle it but I wanna buy the game just to support them for understanding.

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That’s not even all, I’m still wondering why we needed that scene of that horrific abby/random side character guy love scene. Then there’s the fact that none of the people you kill actually feels like satisfying revenge. Then there is the “gameplay”

The fact that Laura Bailey had to mocap that scene depresses me

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First thing i wanna create in Cyberpunk is a qtpie trap Why? because you can! i wish all character creaters let us create whatever we wanted.

I demand equal treatment for my heterosexuality. Where all my heterosexuals at? Holler!

right?! lol I just wanna be a cool trans guy. It’s so fun to think I can participate in silly power fantasies soon in that game.

We all need a power fantasy sometimes

Big full package Futa girl! need to be able to adjust “size” to the fullest with the tightest of jeans outfit.

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It scares me that you have my real life name as you name are you stalking me scary little goblin girl!

You had me at futa girl.

Ehh I’m not too fond of people thinking of futa when I say trans guy since I am a trans guy. But I’m sure you meant no harm in it so eh

I didn’t refer to you or you part of it i ment i wanna create one cause i can it had nothing to do with your trans character i was merely suggesting another character i’d make.

Hell i wanna make a Big Fat dude with wrestling arms and giant man boobs who fights with his hands like Bob from Tekken series.

Ah I get ya. My bad.

I’m sorry if I skipped a message which mentioned it, I think It wasn’t.

But why nobody talks that this character of question which thread mentions is actually a black unicorn in game?

Yes, that infameous “Night Warrarior” is actually a black pony.