LGBT+ Positivity Thread

For anyone about to get into an argument…

Have some cookies, they’re from Silvermoon and have a liiiitle fel blood. :cookie:


Sorry, I must have missed that one.

Okay, now I’m mad at this thread. It has taken up almost all my likes for the day.


Same, arguments about human rights/morals really just make me lose hope for the people in this world.


Overall, I think this thread has actually been quite positive. :smiley:


IKR, there shouldn’t be arguments about human rights. They should be a given.

People should treat each other with respect.


Cookies please!!!

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Thank you!!!

Lmao!!! that’s why I do NOT frequent the forums. I used to back in the olden days. Like 2006. When the format was MUCH MUCH MUCH, different. I like the older format better, imo…

If someone is going to stop being an ally because of pride parades and sometimes seeing LGBTQI+ characters represented in media, they were pretty bad allies anyway :man_shrugging:


Or maybe because you keep adding a letter to lgbtq every other day. Maybe they think 500 genders is preposterous?


Oh no you didn’t.

Oh no! But this was supposed to be a positivity thread. :heart:

I do hate when I’m in a big thread and I run out of likes. One of the reasons I’ve been avoiding a particular thread with a vast amount of posts. That and I’m supposed to be working. :sweat_smile: I really want to watch the T&E video but I have to wait on that as well because I have dinner plans after work.

Oof, the hyperbole :scream: :scream: :scream:

But anyway, performative “allies” obsessed solely with good optics aren’t needed :man_shrugging:

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Yeah I’m supposed to be working, but here I am. When I am slammed, I get tons of work done. But when I just have a little bit to do, like now, I do nothing. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

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Roll that beautiful bean footage, Babycakes.

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I just looked that up, and now I’m even more confused.

There’s nothing wrong with you my friend. I get the same way at work. :smiley:

what did xhe mean with this?

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how about you just focus on the letter that concerns you and let other people live there life to the best of their abilities.

If you dont like someone respect them and their right to live and then go sit you behind on the couch and live your own darn life.

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