LGBT+ Positivity Thread

I think I’ve been playing too much DnD cause I thought you were asking why you should care about Lawful Good Nelves.


I just don’t feel like typing the whole alphabet out.

If you believe in it enough, sure go ahead. And most of us would support you. Don’t hate on other people just because you think other people would hate on you.

But homophobes are not outliers. Gay people get harassed, bullied, fired, even killed on a regular basis simply for being who they are. So hopefully you see the difference to your example.


Exactly. My son. My precious son. Who is half mexican (why do I even have to say that), is autistic and I get so sick of hearing people using autism as an insult. It hurts, and it makes me angry when people do it in discord, in these forums, in game, on youtube… but I am not going not going to make post after post in these forums about it.


Positivity in this forum is a blasphemy OP. The priests from stormwind cathedral would like to have a word with you.

Exactly, there is a very distinct reason why gay people are always afraid as coming out as gay. If it was so uncommon and was just an “outlier” such a fear wouldn’t exist.


Have you ever seen a female night elf’s hands?

Of course some of the male night elves are gay.


All power to you, man. But I’m not here sitting trying to raise awareness for a cause. I’m celebrating the addition of two gay characters to WoW. In the WoW forums.


Maybe you should. If you feel that people need to open their eyes to something, post it. If you want to celebrate how great autistic people can be, post it. Don’t not post it just because you think you will annoy people. You gotta do what’s right because you believe it.


The amount of trolling that will happen doesn’t make it worth it.

I get that…its just like the umpteenth one this month? That’s all in saying. Damnit. Autism came up and I’m crying. I’m done.


So just ignore these threads if they bother you. The title even tells you exactly what it is. I have no interest in anti-Raider io threads, so I ignore them. I don’t go into each one and have discussions as to why they need to stop ramming it down our throats.


I believe i read somewhere gays have a society approval rate of about 63-67%.


I’d just like to add that I also enjoy how often the phrase “ramming it down our throats” is used whenever the topic of LGBT people come up.


you are wrong. Phobias can be taught many ways. Repeated exposure of negative reaction by parental figure is the main cause. (I’m a doctor)

That also applies to how homophobia develops: hearing negative comments about LGBT+ people from an older generation. Hence, the term has stayed linguistically accurate even if it’s not medically accurate.

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Anytime I wanna make that joke I worry “Wait would that get me in trouble?” with the mods lol

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A fellow UNHH fan? nice

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and approval rate keeps growing per generation. Eventually, homophobia could be a thing of the past.

But, it has taken many generations to eradicate racism. I fear it could take nearly as long for homophobia.

Globalization and the internet do help a lot, though. So, I have hope.


incorrect. Google “lgbt approval rate” it is dropping.
Young people probably don’t like the parades and forced characters and other stuff we have to deal with.
Do not forget the 40% suicide transgender rate.

Also eradicate racism? yeah only one way that is possible and that is if every single human on earth is one race. so never. Keep dreaming of your utopia.