LGBT+ In game zone

I like how you think your post will amount to anything.

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As a gay person I find this thread very embarassing and wish Moderators could do something about it.

This game is not a sexual game. It is a fantasy one.


Do you really think you are not going to be attacked by trolls in a designated zone? It would have a big red target in it.

Look how many ppl troll goldshire on moonguard and it not even officially designated as anything by blizzard.

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Oh My!! I call Silvermoon for fashion designers and the 1%.

This could literally be a Religious nutjob post and I wouldnt know the difference. The levels of blatantly misrepresenting everyones actual stance, and the obliviousness you have is actually cult like. Like you have issues bro.

Just imagine “People hate Christians. People act like us spreading positivity of the Word will effect them! They must truly hate us if they refuse to even tolerate us spreading positivity! Sad.”

Yep, you may want to put down the pipe chief. When you have become so progressive you come across as a 80s Pentacostal Christian you need to realize you came so full circle that you became everything you hate. Its time to stop.


Why not just, I don’t know, make a discord for the LGBT people who need external gratification for their sexuality and be done with it? You can literally make any spot in WoW your own unofficial zone.

Not everyone in the LGBT wants all this attention you personally feel you deserve for whatever reason.


I see no problem with it OP. Bring on the rainbows and glitter parades :fireworks: :fireworks:

Alex Jones :wink: You are my hero.


I’m gay and this is…I’ll be nice. It’s an odd thing to wish for. What would it accomplish? I’ve spent my whole life feeling like an outcast, being literally rejected by half my family, my religion, the military. I don’t want to be an outcast with my own little area. I don’t wanna be separated from everyone because of a thing I had no decision making process in. You guys who are wanting this kind of separation and exclusion must be young. Being gay is not an easy fun life. Even now that it’s “chic” or whatever, it still isn’t easy. It was SO much harder when I was a teenager. I hope things do keep getting better so that these kinds of dreams or whatever will start to look less jarring to older gay people like me.


In today’s climate reaching across borders is generally frowned upon.

You either agree 100% or you are -insert specific insult for not fully agreeing with specific topic here-.

I’m gonna have to cite Bishop Bullwinkle with how I feel about this. Google him if you don’t know

If anything its made it harder in some ways.

And its not jarring, its trolling in its lowest form… The idea of a zone dedicated for people of the community to go to, is just a backwards way of segregating.

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Every zone you walk into is FABULOUS!!!

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Moose and Squirrel.

So you want a place just for LGBT+ people so you can exclude yourself from the rest of those not like you? Does this mean we can have a straight only zone just for straight people only? Do you guys even listen to yourself?

PPL like yourself are always pouring gas on the fire.


Sure, make a straight zone too though.


This entire idea is stupid. Get into a guild that thinks like you and be happy. We do NOT need to have every single place in wow designated for every friggin sexual type of people in the world. In fact, we don’t need to have sexuality expressed in the GAME at all, it is just a game. NPC’s don’t need to express their sexual preferences nor do most people give a crap. Just stop with this nonsense.


Why do you need blizz to designate a spot? Couldn’t you just rally the community to find a spot to go, there are plenty of beautiful zones you can chill in.

Seems odd that you’d push for something that seems inherently exclusionary when you’re fighting so hard for inclusion.

You got Ardenweld, what else you want?

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it’s the Maw