LGBT+ In game zone

If they accommodate one group, they would have to accommodate others. They do give you the option of creating your own guild community however you please.

The butch wife and I like to hang out inside of Stonehaven.

I happen to be a gay man myself.

I don’t want a ‘special’ zone just for ‘us.’ That, to me, goes against everything people in the past fought for to have inclusiveness and remove segregation.

We can’t, on one hand, want to be accepted and included in everyday life and activities and then in the same breath, want to have our own exclusive special areas/zones just for us.

Just my opinion.


Private chat channels?

Because nobody gives a crap. You’re already “included”. It’s just that your idea of inclusion is actually that you want some special recognition. That is where the problem lies.

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No. the guy was posting about RL violence. I read the mod note and you obviously didn’t.


You’re biased against us Attack Helicopter Americans, I think you need some sensitivity training.

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You are making it political. You have done nothing but spam the forums with your “suggestions” and every single one of them discuss the lgbt topic. It does not belong here. Stop projecting your beliefs unto others.

Full stop: your “suggestion” will never happen. That’s where it ends and that’s where it stays. Period.


Doesn’t seem like they want a declared zone as much as they want a zone forced on everyone else.

I’m in love with this idea still.

Hey foxxsy. I see you found his new troll thread too

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Nice try, but actual trolls don’t do it as an art form, they do it to annoy you and you’re clearly annoyed :smile: Being tasteless is troll territory.

Only if if there is zone for straight people. Equal is equal.

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Isn’t this already ingame?

It’s Goldshire.

What did i just win?

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If there was a zone it would be forced pvp and everyday all day we would camp your corpse and even your own faction would cheer us on


Shuuush, let me have my delusions!!! :joy:

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Wait, can’t the “community” feature be used for this? Just like there are RP communities and pvp communities? You can just enter X location as your primary hangout zone :slight_smile: Not as cool as a class order hall but something can be done using what the game has now.

You’re preaching to the choir. I told him about the community feature and he refuses to listen. He just wants to shoved his political agenda in everyone’s face instead of keeping it to himself like a normal person.


My butch wife and I enjoy hanging out in Ironforge.

We’re taking over the royal palace of Stormwind and renaming it Stonewall Inn