LGBT+ In game zone

So determining what’s gets added is based off of “oppression”? So why do you think they deserve it more? You wanna try arguing you’re the most “oppressed”?


I’d love for all oppressed and marginalized groups that get representation in this game.
I’m part of the LGBT so I’m advocating for LGBT representation. I don’t speak for other marginalised groups

This idea fits the use of a RP server like a glove, and don’t worry, I’m not talking about Lion’s Pride Inn (so no need to get upset :slight_smile: ). Seriously though, I know all areas of SW except for Dwarven District and Old Town are routinely used as RP hubs so they may be good territory to claim (those two might be also but I’m not sure). There are also various other places that could be used of varying sizes and distance from larger cities. Something might already exist on one of the servers.

I can’t speak for anything Horde-wise as I have no clue on that faction other than them being my mortal foe.

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“We don’t have anything like Goldshire, that I know of, but Silvermoon City was mentioned earlier, and it really is mostly empty, with lots of room.”

Current UC would be the ideal spot for LGBT groupings to occur.


No offense to anyone but if WoW becomes some sort of weird SJW multi zone freakshow, I won’t be sticking around to see its ultimate implosion due to identity politics. This LGBTQ thing is, in a way, an attempt to distract from the growing class and wealth divide


Darkshire Inn

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Why would WoW need to have a gay zone? Why do you need to project who you are into everyone else’s lives?

Next thing someone will be asking for a vegan zone.


Yeah lets not create an area to groom kids please, thanks


It dose, in addition to annoying the hell out of everyone.

The point is for equal rights, not to be special, not to get extra noticed, but to just be able to live your life without fear, judgement, or being hassled. To be able to show your love for the person you love, or to be who you really are. These threads that keep popping up only serve to encourage segregation (like this one.)

Or in the case of the Anderweild and Bastion NPC’s, to take something that’s done fairly well (ignoring the shouting of “MY HUSBAND” the new “TYRANADE!” bit) and subtle, and ruin it. I didn’t even catch the married pair in anderweild until near the end of the quest when it clicked, but due to people constantly screaming about it, now people feel like its being shoved down their throats and breeds resentment. And now we are seeing new threads like the one calling for IBN as a way to mock.

To the OP and everyone else who keeps making these threads… If your trolling, up your game, low hanging fruit like this is just tasteless, show us your real trolling skills. If your serious, stop, just stop. You are not helping anyone, You are not ‘woke’ for this. If anything you are hurting people and the actual cause of LGBTQ.


It’s awkward how moderators are not allowed to delete such threads.


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Get the rainbow generator. You can celebrate pride all the time

Your name is literally alex jones. why should we take anything you say with legitimacy?

Woke reply. :joy_cat:
Really, learn what “literally” means.


it has a new meaning now, as words always evolve. Gay is our word now, too!

It is awkward how I can’t properly reply to this comment. And moderators can’t do anything too.

What do you mean ‘properly’? You mean offensively?
Gee wow that’s so unfortunate.

Everything is so embarassing and you seem so hysterical.


Never satisfied. No.

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I like how you say no as if you have any power, or like you’re implying yourself to be a developer hahahahah