LGBT+ In game zone

Cool another obscure background character, you just want us in the back row to be ignored.
We want equality.

Dont understand the backlash towards this sort of thing. They could easily put in an LGBT+ zone into the game and the people complaining could simply not go there. It gives some more representation to a marginalized community and there is no negative downside for anyone else. Only sounds like a positive thing to me.

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so many people are acting like it will affect them. They must truly hate us if they refuse to even tolerate us spreading positivity. Sad.

Knowing how pants on head stupid Blizzard can be about things, they can’t make “optional” zones. Every zone has to have quests people will be required to visit. So, people not interested in that life style would be forced to go there. For some reason.

You’re excluding straight people. Racist.


where did i explicitly said that?

you’re acting guilty without anyone explicating calling you out. why?

Another homophobe arrived. Let me guess, you got triggered when you found out tracer was an LGBT character, didn’t you?

Do you hold this crusade irl? You sure are very vocal and and irritated by anyone who doesn’t see things your way on a video game forum.

See this, people? This is oppression right here. Don’t agree with what someone does or says, you get called names and pigeonholed into some easily identifiable social status for group ridicule.


What about all the other marginalized communities? Fat people? Disabled people? People who “love - like really love” animals? You think LGBTQ deserve special treatment above all other special community minorities right now?


let’s not one-up each other on what we may have or what we may be missing from normalcy for the sake that one group is worse off than others

I am just saying, you cannot fairly add one, without adding all. I am for not adding any at all.

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but why? the reality is; you can have a gay conservative person. you can have a liberal white ally. you can have a normal person who goes all out for alt people.

why you guys must have some sorta virtual checklist before they pass, is extremely bizarre to me.

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I actually agree with you on this.

you’re a literal see-saw. you hardily disagree with some; others you might want to see their views, then…

if you have passion, that’s great and don’t let it burn out. becoming inflexible will be your downfall. it’s far better to convince everyone to get onboard than the easy ones that are apt to be your lemmings

Stop pushing your political agenda here. There is no room for it. This will never happen. Get over it and move on with your life.


I mean, if you’re youre gay or something, isnt every zone an LGBT+ zone?

Sexuality isnt political.

So where’s the straight friendly zone?

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Anywhere? I’ve never heard of straight people being oppressed for being straight.

Where as I get verbally attacked and trolled just for asking for representation.