LGBT+ In game zone

It was locked because blizz doesn’t want to deal with this subject. It needs to go away. STOP asking for special treatment because you are LGBT.


Imagine a 15 year old+ game making changes just so you can have a safe space.
I sure can’t.
wah theres no safe spaces in this game with guilds, ignore buttons and cross server community groups wah. Grow up

wasn’t Proudmoore Server already designated as such?

You’re free to ignore it if it bothers you that much. It wont affect your gameplay in any way. I think your thinking way to much into this. There’s no agenda being pushed so I’m confused on what you mean by that. Adding in-game zones dedicated to these communities would be a positive thing. You’re free to ignore them. I’m failing to see how you think this would “ruin wow”?

I donno how simple I can make this: If you include 1 special zone for a special group of people, than you must do it for all.

That is how it will ruin WoW. There doesnt need to be a LGBTQ zone, there doesnt need to be a Boomer zone, there doesnt need to be a fat people zone, there doesnt need to be a zone for people who “love” animals, etc… you cannot make 1 and keep the others out.

I donno how to make it any simpler.

It is better, to just not have any of them and focus on the game play instead of every group’s feelings.


No. I read the mod note and it was locked due to a topic of RL violence.

Not to mention whenever my post on these topics gets flagged, a mod manually removes the flags and makes my post visible again.

I love this idea of a T zone in WoW. It would also solidify Blizzards position on T issues.

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Make Silvermoon your LGBTBBQ+ zone, its a whole city and its empty! have at it.

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We don’t have enough zones for every race, gender, political affiliation, sexual preference, ugh, you could probably write a half page of text just LISTING all the ways humans ‘divide’ themselves.


^This… I don’t care what your sexual preference is and no one else does either. No one care what you identify as. No one cares but you. Get over it. If it bothers you make a RP guild and have fun. Stop trying to force your sexuality, identities, and pronouns on everyone else. We don’t care what you do. Just have fun and stop trying to force it on the rest of us.


You people obviously do care if you can’t stop yourselves from flagging our posts.
If you were truly apathetic you would let us advocate for our representation without attacking us. We just want what you have had your whole lives.

or you haven’t learned the fact that not all of us think the exact same way as you do

stop forcing YOUR views on everyone including people that play on your team


Let me guess… you got very angry when you found out tracer liked girls, didn’t you?

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Is sexuality a substitute for personality now?


huh what


Tracer the face of overwatch is an openly LGBT character.
THIS is the representation we are asking for on wow. Its just the wow dev team is slower at it than the overwatch team

in that case you oughta read my original reply once again…and maybe a dozen times


We are just advocating for the wow Dev team to catch up to the overwatch Devs in regards to morals and supporting the LGBT with representation.

None of us asked you homophobes to come and attack us simply for advocating to the wow Dev team

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I love this idea!!! PvP zone like this would be awesome.

i swore i read there was a same-sex quest mobs in this game at the beginning of the shadowlands according to the forums, maybe you should look onto that!

and being overly defence only gets you onto bad places on the internet

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