LGBT+ In game zone

Havent we done this before? lol
I dont approve.
LGBT have fought for decades to be INCLUDED and RECOGNIZED in everyday society without being distinguished from everyone, anyone else.
Now you want to segregate and start undoing all the work your predecessors did.
How about no?


Yes, in the books im sure – but this is about WOW the MMO, not what people do in their books. And the relationship of core toons are very rarely brought up in game.

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already have one, its called gnomeregan

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Those are all over the game, not just the books. What’s ONLY in the books, is Mathias + Flynn.


Actually, no. These are crucial plot points in all of the games, including World of Warcraft.

The only reason why you haven’t paid attention to it until now is because there’s a more vocal push for LGBTQ representation, but it’s always very much been there.

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Actually yes, it is way more prevalent in the books than the game.

I donno what is so hard to understand and why certain people feel I am some sort of monster since I want the WoW Devs to focus on non-relationship stuff more than relationship stuff.

Whatever though, you do you.

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Yes, it is. It’s also the default orientation of our species, which is why you don’t need to think about characters being straight.

There’s that sub 4th grade reading comprehension back again, I never said it should all be straight characters.


It’s all about the equality of representation. If straight relationships are allowed to be forefront and center of the lore, then LGBT relationships should get the same exact right.

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Have you taken your medicine today?

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The closest thing to any relationship being at the forefront of the lore is literally just a quest chain and a single dungeon to save dream jesus.

And even then, that’s really a stretch to call that anything other then a small quest chain.

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I mean, sure? Books are entirely plot so it would obviously make sense that it has more character development than a video game that has downtime between moments of characters interacting with one another, but that’s also a false equivalency. Books only have story. Video games don’t. It’s a logical fallacy, but it also misses my point.

Something having more emphasis on plot developments does not mean it doesn’t happen in the game. It definitely does.

I don’t think you’re a monster. I’m just telling you that relationships are vital to the lore and world of the game you play as much as anything else. Trying to have them not focus on that would be stupid because:

  1. Stories are brought together and carried by relationships and characters, whether those relationships are platonic or romantic.
  2. You can’t focus entirely on setting in a story without the characters being influenced by it in some capacity. No matter what, stories and lore always venture their way back to the character and relationship in the middle of it all.

You can either accept that or not. I’m not saying it’s vital for you to enjoy the game, as there are many reasons to enjoy playing WoW, but if there’s a story that exists, then it’s going to involve relationships and characters in some way. The only way to ever remove it entirely would be for them to just not have a story, which isn’t going to happen.


You always have the maw. :wink::innocent:


this is warcraft, not your own personal safezone.


I think it’s a good idea. But we should also have a Raging Chauvinist Pig zone, a Beta Male zone, and an Unassuming Polygamist Zebra zone. I don’t want anyone to feel left out here.


Maybe necromancers can help?
They certainly know how to “Raise Spirits”.


It’s the entirety of Silvermoon and the Goldshire inn on MG. /thread


beta male zone is just Quel-thalas.


Well played, sir.

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Pick a zone and hang there. The RPers hang out at Goldshire. Pick your own and begin hangout

Ty, I just love tickling the ol funny bones.

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