LGBT+ In game zone

I want my own zone as well.

I think ill call it C.H.A.Z.


ok that is funny, +1

There doesn’t need to be a gay pride zone. This safe space idea is a dumpster fire.


But, you DO care, or you wouldn’t be throwing a hissy fit over

Keep in mind the games are as much of the other player as they are yours; and LGBT players simply want the same things that straight players have ALWAYS taken for granted. If Tyrande gets to run all over the place for Malfurion, then Mathias and Flynn should also have some sort of in-game interaction.

Also, the art industries (aka. writers, painters, graphic designers, etc.) have historically been dominated by women and LGBT people (of all genders); yet the protagonists of most stories have historically been straight men. So, why wouldn’t they be allowed to add female protagonists / villains, or LGBT characters and themes to THEIR creation?

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I am stating I disagree with all that stuff being added in game, yes Sherlock I do care.

You are really self-centered if you think YOU are the only one who is allowed to demand representation in games. I am trying to say is I agree with you, you do you, but KEEP IT OUT OF GAMES. ALL OF IT – not just the fabulous ones. ALL POLITICS OUT OF GAMES.


It seems like a weird way to segregate off that community, when what they want is the opposite.


I play WoW for the lore, the story of Horde VS Alliance. I dont want to play some game where the focus is who is bumping uglies with who. LGBTQ, Straight, Human/Animal or otherwise. Keep that out of games.

But a lot of people see that and just scream YOU DONT SUPPORT ME SO UR A PHOBE! CANCEL THAT PERSON!!!

You need to learn that people can respect you, but disagree with your wants.


No, you do not agree with me, because this is pretty morally wrong:

The creators of the game DESERVE in-game representation.

Also, love is not politics. Stop trying to make it so.

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Said it last thread, will say it here: LGBT (Gay man). We are not special and do not need a place in a video game to “hang out”. You can get a group of people and hang out anywhere.

I get why non-LGBT people get annoyed at us. We have communities in game that should fill your need to socialize in game. There are many LGBT communities and a whole realm (Proudmoore).

Starting to wonder if this is even a real topic or one of the latest troll fads because it stirs up controversy…


At this point you are arguing just to argue – so I am done replying to you. Have a great day.

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You understand that malfurion is tied directly to the story line of the emerald nightmare since the beginning right? That’s why his involvement was so prominent.

No it hasn’t.

Probably because they are a larger portion of the population.

Mean like Jaina? Sylvanas? Wonder women? Harley Quinn? What’s her face from Thor? There are tons of representation of non white males.

You shouldn’t be adding Races, sexes, sexualities, or make believe genders just for the sake of it being there.

That’s garbage character writing.


Yes, exactly. I mean those. The same characters some people complain about existing.

So, you’d rather not have them at all? That’s dumpster-fire writing.

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What is wrong is you are unable to properly quote a whole post. Stop Cherry Picking to suit your agenda.

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you’re kidding yourself if you think that is true

you’re kidding yourself even more if you think it matters, at all


That’s how you quote things. You don’t quote a whole book, you just quote the relevant parts that pertain to the conversation.

Essentially what you are doing. Stop projecting.

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Go crawl back under your rock, thanks.


Because they are poorly written.

Well if your reading comprehension was atleast at a 4th grade level you’d know that I said putting a gay character in a story just for the sake of having a gay character in the story is a bad idea.

You disagreeing with it means you couldn’t care less about writing, and would rather have inclusion over good characterization.

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Re-read all our interactions. I have not mis-quoted you once, but you have did it to me like three times.

But I know what your problem is and I hope you get help, and soon. Have a blessed day.


This area in particular has been crucial for the development of multiple iconic characters in the game.

I’m sorry you don’t like it, but that is World of Warcraft to some degree. Arthas and Jaina, Malfurion and Tyrande, Thrall and Aggra, Draka and Durotan, etc. The list is honestly endless. All of these characters have had their relationship with one another spark a defining trait about them.

It’s been here since the beginning and it probably won’t disappear anytime soon.


Ok, then putting a straight character just for the sake of having a straight character is also a bad idea.

Why can’t we just HAVE characters. Some will be straight, some will not. That’s the point. But if they are all straight, then you are simply ignoring the reality of the world.