LGBT+ In game zone

They want to parade it though, that’s the issue. God forbid people keep gender politics and the like out of a fantasy game, but it just happens.


You know, I have had many gay and lesbian friends in my life. I love them all dearly, but you, and others like you on this forum do not represent the good people in those communities. You represent a phobic demographic that is acting like straight people did in the past. You’re a nasty person to expect such as this. Shame on you, and others on this forum who are trying to destroy the equality you have.

I’m done responding to these posts. You make me sick. Going to report every post like this that comes up. Truly appalling behaviour.


Just stop it already, this is unnecessary


I never understand these kinds of discussions, i go for years in WoW without discussing my gender, location or sexual preference. I’m a warlock, that’s all people need to know.


Moon guard here. We don’t want him.


No kid you can even read the mod note. Someone mentioned RL violence and the mods locked the thread.

Look mommy a troll post!
“That’s nice, dear.”


how’s having a gay friendly zone in the game a troll post?

That’s implying that this topic would be something negative???

Imagine the zone would be cute

Im 100% on board woth this if you make the area a forced pvp zone.



that doesn’t make sense it’s meant to be a chill place to relax, and a safe space.

May as well make orgrimmar a forced horde only pvp zone, where horde can only attack each other, and alliance can attack all of them :smiley:

Please take a look at the in-game communities section, you can find it in the guild tab. You can search for lgbt in the communities section and join any of the lgbt communities there. You are free to organize in-game events and engage in chat with others in the community. Nothing is stopping people from organizing an event each day in a zone with a lgbt in-game community. You can do it now! enjoy.

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That won’t be enough. OP wants a whole legit zone with a huge neon sign pointing to the place saying “LGBT zone here.” He wants you to make sure you see it and acknowledge what it is. Have fun trying your hardest to segregate yourself from the rest of the world, something you’re trying to fight against lol.


The amount of homophobia in this thread is just sad… I don’t have a problem with the community or even blizzard adding a lgbt friendly zone. It won’t hurt anyone and it’ll make a safe space for those who wish to participate. Some people fail to realize that there’s plenty of people in the world going through tough times and anything to help ease the burden is a positive IMO. :+1:


I agree. I also want a zone for people who have intimate relationships with inanimate objects. Dont discriminate please.


Disagreeing with not wanting more real-world politics in game (which in this thread the OP is pushing the LGBTQ agenda) isnt being a Phobe. It is being a gamer who wants to play games to ignore the BS that our world is in now.

And if we add more LGBTQ stuff, then we need more of everything. You cannot only add certain groups – if you add 1 you have to add them all --at which point WoW will be totally ruined.


Saying “LGBT agenda” unironically and calling LGBT political is generally speaking, homophobe code for “go away.”


is preeeetty telling as well.

There’s nothing political about treating other people with respect. It should just be a given. We shouldn’t need laws to tell people to be decent human beings.


Umm Agenda is like a plan. The LGBTQ (as you can see in this thread from the OP) want to be included in everything, to the extent of their own zone.

I really dont care who you kiss, sleep with, snuggle, rub, poke, boink, slap and tickle – just stop trying to throw it in my games. That goes for straight people, furries, lgbtq, technophiles, all of it.

But twist it however you want.


And no one is disagreeing with you. But you dont need a whole zone dedicated to everyone’s personal wants.

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And quote the whole thing – that is what a lot of lefties do, is mis-quote what people say to turn people to their cause. I said:


Night Fae zone is already in the game… not sure what more needs to be discussed.

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