LGBT+ In game zone

Did democrats break into the whitehouse

And I’ve already condemned the capital riots. You have yet to condemn the hundreds of ANTIFA and BLM riots. I don’t tolerate rioting or violent civil disorder from any political orientation, because unlike you I am not a massive hypocrite.

I recognize there is both a far left and a far right wing, because unlike you I am not a massive hypocrite.

Im not going to reply to you anymore, your post history and the fact you just sat there and used more Alt Right

Yes yes, we know. I’m a bigot and a racist and a sexist … blah blah blah. If I was as terrible as arguing on merit as you I’d probably not want to reply to me anymore either

Why would I have no issues with gay people in the slightest.

Why did you decide to attack me like this when I said nothing wrong? You are literally proving this point. Reminder:

So, any real thoughts? Or are we in grade school where name calling rules the sandbox?

Be gone with your abominable perversion.


By the looks of your topic history, the only thing that concerns you in WoW is players sexuality.

Which in my line of work is generally considered predatory behaviour.


Ardenweald already exists, you know, with all the faeries and all.

Jokes aside, I would have preferred that all romances are excluded from Warcraft’s storytelling. Between Jaina banging a dragon, Sylvanas and Nathanos, Malfurion and MUH TYRANDUH, it’s always pretty much cringe material and creating a zone or area to isolate or magnify aspects of a community is usually a very bad idea, because then it insults people who don’t subscribe to the same perceptions of said community.

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But yet you want your own separate zone.

Doesn’t equal mean to be a part of and not separate from ?


Sure!! Then let’s have a zone filled with strippers too! Or how about a whole town filled with dudes in banana hammocks?

There is literally NO reason to do this, none at all. I get you want representation, but asking for a full zone to be dedicated LGBT just for the sake of it is bad. This is a video game let’s not bring RL drama into it please?

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We? There is no we. You don’t speak in my name or anyone’s but your own, nor are you a representative of the entire LGBT group just because you might be one of the letters. Stop using the movement to push your own goals/agendas and stop harassing people with topics like these. If you want something at least have the balls to ask for them for yourself instead of hiding behind an oppressed group to get what you want. Stop with this madness.

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Can we have a special zone in-game for people who like the color purple? Please don’t derail the thread and get it locked again.

^See how stupid that sounds?


Considering i love purple… THIS ZONE i would be all in for, would be heaven!

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:notes: purple rain, purple rain :notes:

That wasn’t an attack lol. Any attack perceived from me asking you why you aren’t protesting the exact same thing, is entirely fabricated from your end.

Are you kidding me? You alluded to me protesting gay bars off a post that made sense. Don’t care bucko, you are the problem here not me. Reread what I wrote, and realize that all those people who fought for your rights would be 100% disgusted with your behavior.

I’ll add it again for you maybe this time you will read it.

Hope that the second time around you will actually take the time to read it as I have every asinine post that has come from you.

Sew now a whole zone based on blackjack I could get behind :stuck_out_tongue:

Won 2500$ on blackjack first time in Vegas lol.

Im just saying, lets go all in on a Bender zone

Stippers, Blackjack and Whiskey for all with robots wandering around

No vodka :[? That’s sad

No. I asked why you aren’t protesting a similar situation.

“Don’t care bucko, you are the problem here not me.” If asking you why your not acting the same about a similar situation causes you to react this way, maybe you should rethink your stance.

“disgusted with your behavior” No they wouldn’t.

You mean like the goldshire inn?

…Well for a bender zone no Vodka…

Don’t worry, ill sneak some in, Vodka is my drink of choice anyways

…Or tequilla for a interesting night

… Or Vod-quilla for a interesting night you will have to solve hangover style

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And I said why would I? And you ignored that fact thinking that what you said made sense.

Why the need to go here at all? Did I say protest them? Nope. I did point out what I and plenty others marched for in the 90s though. I didn’t have to be gay to stand next to my friends in TO and celebrate their pride or help them make a stand against bigots.

Then I come to the forums and meet a troll like you. I see what my friends did to better life for you as a whole, yet here you are spitting on all that and demanding more.

Organically, that’s what you are not getting here. You want it all out there for what purpose? You have communities to fill this void, plenty have told you that, but no. YOU WANT EVERYTHING!