LGBT+ In game zone

Since this is just a troll thread I’m gonna use it to test something. Please ignore this


Edit: That’s unfortunate. How do I use imbed an image preview in a dropdown

Just go to silvermoon, no one goes there.

Hey now! Some of us still hope for a Silverwood restoration.

Yeah it sounds like your trolling. Your reaction is extreme for what I asked you.

“meet a troll like you” Asking you a simple question isn’t trolling.

You 100% didn’t march or do anything you claim.

What you say and how you reacted is deafening.

People have hope this game is getting better and here we are finding new ways to trick ourselves into believing.

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You ever been on that Disney ride imagination land? It’s kinda like that.

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Pretty much. I hope you get the change they promise. Me I am going to FF14, Much better community and they actually listen to the player base.

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K, I did, and frankly could care less about your silly agenda. Thing is no matter what I tell you, you think I am against a community which I am not.

I get it, it’s hard talking to adults who lived through the actual dark times. I had friends beaten by police for their sexuality. Why do I not bring this up in threads? Pretty simple, morons like you.

No, I speak the truth, the only deafening going on here, is you covering your ears/eye and not listening/reading what people are telling you.

Silvermoon restoration would be nice. Let’s start with adding flying to it and bringing back our rightfull ruler Kael’thas Sunstrider

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Dude reread my OP. Your actions are insane if you are actually pro LGBTQ.

After I responded to you with a simple question all you have done is flip out, make claims I said something I never said, claimed you marched, and then continued to freak out while trying to discredit me and call me a moron.

Seriously, YOU are the one acting like a child.

Like look at our posts. I haven’t called you anything, yet you’ve called me a moron, a troll and a child.

How about we just treat everyone with respect and not create a zone entirely based around the sexual preferences of people?


Are you for real?

That was your answer. Why? Again, funny how you went here instead of talking…

Your statement here, infers that I am homophobic. You not understanding the nuances of English is, well a failure on your education system.

All I said was they fought for inclusion, and you want segregation, and this was your big brained retort…

Honest to Bob, I stand by what I said, and you thinking that makes me homophobic makes you, well we need a new label for you.

So long as non lgbt zones are created aswell… you know equality and all :joy:

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No you’re seeing things that aren’t there. You could answer that question without being homophobic in multiple different ways. You instead chose to throw a tantrum.

“You not understanding the nuances of English is, well a failure on your education system.” More attacks and hysterics from you.

“All I said was they fought for inclusion, and you want segregation, and this was your big brained retort…”

Because your arguing against the video game equivalent of a gay bar…

“makes me homophobic makes you” I never said that. However now I do THINK you are a teenager, since your actions are that of a teen.

Edit: And now your doing cringe rp stuff in GD in the same thread you did personal attacks… Yeah pretty sure you are a teenager.


Wipes off the crazy with her trusty towel, realizes that this thread is a dumpster fire and walks off into the night.

Ok Mr victim complex. I’ve read both your sets of comments back and forth and not once did she insult you. You on the other hand have been insulting to her, ignoring her questions and answers and trying to make yourself out to be the poor wittle victim in this scenario. I’m convinced now that you’re most likely one of talonels alts. So yeah troll confirmed.