LGBT+ In game zone

Main character, side character. Its all the same in that game series. Again gays have as much representation as any straight person. Seriously no other gay on these threads or in life is so whiney about this mythological oppression you keep saying. Literally no ones being oppressed just because thier sexuality isn’t the forfront of a video game.

This is a ridiculous suggestion.

And no straight person in my life freaks out about gay representation like you do.

Where do RPG’s fit in this litmus test? Most modern RPGs (including the one he mentioned, Dragon Age) allow the player to choose same sex romantic partners. The “main character” doesn’t really have a character because they’re just an amalgamation of player choices. Which I think is a whole other problem since I think characters with no personality beyond what the player gives them are boring but that’s a whole other problem.

Again these troll threads aren’t asking for representation. They’re asking for it to be paraded around in capital cities like a show pony. I told the op in his other thread if he wanted in game events to use the community finder for it. He refused to listen. That’s on him.

You are literally talking past everyone telling you this is happening to gay people with heterosexual stuff in game and IRL.

You just don’t notice because it caters to YOU.

You literally try to hand wave away my points by using the “far left” boogeyman created by the right.

The hypocrisy is staggering. America has literally been having hundreds of violent riots all year long all across US cities pushed by far left groups like ANTIFA that have cost numerous people their lives, injured countless others, and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to small business and public property. Hell they even burned down a police station and sequestered several blocks in in Seattle, leading to multiple murders.

There are literally thousands of videos on Youtube showing all of this, and here you are unironically telling me this is a “far left boogeyman created by the right”.

This would be like a person from the right pretending the capital riots never happened. You are delusional.

If you think the hertiosexual stuff in this game caters too me than you’re delusional. Nothing in this game caters too me aside from the my love of undead and zombies. Thats all.

“ANTIFA” If your seriously going to use the Anti-Fascist movement as your Gotcha, which isn’t even far left, you are deluded and lost. You need more help than anyone can give you. This is a whole you need to dig yourself out of.

“There are literally thousands of videos on Youtube showing all of this, and here you are unironically telling me this is a “far left boogeyman created by the right”.” Because that isn’t far left. Being anti-fascist and getting sick of this bull and taking action has nothing to do with being “far left”.

But who am I kidding, I can see your post history. You think the Alt right that even the government says exists and is a major threat, don’t exist.

Then you should be fine with an optional area that is basically a gay bar, which you can visit as straight, being in the game. Instead of you know, arguing against it and claiming its being shoved in your face.

Your argument is literally the Quarterings talking points, who is alt right, hence why I said stop watching him. And that one 40k youtuber I cant remember the name of.

If blizzard adds stuff like that than what’s to stop them from catering to other narratives or groups. Itd a slippery slope that starts a chain reaction into chaos. Like I told op if a group of people want to celebrate something in game with like minded individuals than they should use the built in community feature to set it up. They can find a dead questing zone and do thier thing there. Its not that complicated.

“ANTIFA” If your seriously going to use the Anti-Fascist movement as your Gotcha, which isn’t even far left, you are deluded and lost. You need more help than anyone can give you. This is a whole you need to dig yourself out of.

Serious question. Do you really think this is a good argument? You just accused me of “hand waving” and then you turned around and say this. This is why people don’t like far leftists and rail against you aggressively, your arguments are completely and utterly without merit and anytime you’re pushed with factual data you just call everyone “alt right racists” or some nonsense to shut down the conversation and then pretend like your overtly far left positions are the “center”. It’s absurd.

“slippery slope” This arguement is atrocious. Never use slipery slope. Especially since it was mainly used for why gay marriage shouldn’t be allowed.

“If you allow the gays to marry, then people will start marying kids and goats!”

No it is not right at all, all the decades of people who fought for gay rights, they wanted inclusion, not segregation. Blizzard implemented a pile of stories organically and you aren’t happy that it wasn’t shoved in our faces.

No matter what they do for you, you want more. There are no dead zones fyi, players level through them all, and pray tell how are you planning to keep those who you deem not to be part of your community out, when they have literal quests to do.

You need to realize that these posts do more damage to your community than anything, you guys literally bait and call people homophobic for pointing out basic facts.

Is there a label for that?


I can use any term I chose. It is a slippery slope. Again you want to do in-game events than use the built-in community feature.

This argument is atrocious. Slippery slope is a perfectly logical argument and debate tactic as long as you can show causal connection. The only time slippery slope is a fallacy and a poor argument is when you do not show causal connection.

We need Jesse Lee Peterson here.

No this is why people don’t like talking to people who are so far on the right, that they can’t even recognize what they are saying.

“far leftists” I’m not far left.

"your arguments are completely and utterly without merit " Oh no, they are with merit, your just so deluded that you cant see it. If I tell you that you are using far right talking points its up to you to double down or go “shoot guess I am”. You doubled down.

“factual data you just call everyone “alt right racists” or some nonsense to shut down the conversation.” Except the other guy ive continued to have a conversation with. That has nothing to do with the alt left boogeyman.

Last two things ill ever reply to you:

Did democrats break into the whitehouse in mass at Obamas command after being upset he lost the vote?


Im not going to reply to you anymore, your post history and the fact you just sat there and used more Alt Right talking points in order to try to discredit me says you are too far down the hole to convince. I hope one day someone gets through to you and you can come to realize how bad the far right are for our nation.

So why aren’t you protesting gay bars? The thing your allowed to go into but is mainly meant for gay people.

It is almost like the OP is asking for something similar to what the military did before when troops were segregated. Separate but equal. However it is like the minority is asking for it .

Not being a part of the community I can say I have seen people from it in threads from this OP speak out against what the OP has asked for .

Either the OP is a troll that isn’t really a part of their community or some one that feels the world owes them . How can one ask for equality and to be included and also want to be separate. If the OP is a part of that community he/she imo is more to hurt their cause and if not then the OP is a troll trying to fuel a fire between the LGBT community and those that a part of it.

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