LGBT+ In game zone

Saying I don’t want anyone’s political narrative in a video game isn’t some far right talking point. Its called not wanting video games to be infested with unnecessary real world crap that will no doubt cause massive issues and divide among an already divided in game community. If that makes me far right than so be it.

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If you’re not left of Mao you’re far right bro.

By the law sure but pretending they have equal representation is disingenuous at best.

Because you are trying to force it to be political. If you think being LGBTQ or Black is political than so is being Heterosexual and White. Therefore Thrall having a straight relationship is political, and agenda, and being forced down our throats.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, and aligns with a duck, it might be a duck.

Laws are all that matter…people are equal in America. Whites, blacks, gays, whatever all equal under the law. That’s what matters keep pretending there’s all this oppression everywhere though and that’s what’s holding you back.

Quack quack.

Because you are defending bigotry and using alt right talking points.

When? Be specific. “Alt right talking points” is a usually code for “I don’t have an actual argument and I want to dismiss you by calling you a racist”.

America doesn’t have a far left.

Of course it does. This argument is utterly absurd.

Again for Europe

America isn’t Europe. That’s like pretending there is no “left” in Europe because China is a socialist authoritarian state. Or pretending there was no “right wing” in America during that 1940s because the Axis powers were a thing. That’s not how this works at all.

Berny is a centralist at MOST.

Sanders is to the left of the overton window in America. This isn’t subjective, it’s a objective fact.

Your arguments are completely and utterly ridiculous.

I’m not? I’m just asking for the same treatment you get in media.

Yes, I’m sure this one will go much better…

They have as much as anyone. If someone is so desperate to need to be represented in every single thing then that shows they have personal issues that they need to deal with and no amount of representation will fix that.

LOL. No. People are not equal in America. There are SO MANY social issues.
Like did you not learn about all the anti black systems our government has had for ages, that destroyed their chances of having money, passing down money, or the legit war on minority populations?

I’m not making anything political, these troll threads are. I already addressed the thrall issue. Refer back up the thread.

No they don’t. Name me one main gay character in video games that is not the last of us.

And y’all were wondering why the first thread got locked.

Hi I’m a religious conservative. Voted 3rd party in 2016 and voted Trump in 2020.

I think LGBTQ+ folks are human just like anyone else and deserve the same respect and equality as anyone else as a result. I’m pretty sure this means I’m a walking contradiction that should implode at any second now. Correct me if I’m wrong on that.

I also think creating a “zone” only for a particular subgroup is a bad idea no matter what group that is. It would be formed with the best of intentions to celebrate the culture it was made for, but in the end excluding those who don’t belong to the subculture always becomes a part of its identity. The reality is that every group of people has toxic nuts in them and they tend to spoil the bunch.

I don’t mind LGBTQ+ characters appearing in WoW. I didn’t mind the same sex couple in the Night Fae storyline. In fact all it really did is make me wonder where Malfurion has been during his wife’s Night Warrior stint.


Dragon age inquisition. One of iron bulls chargers is whats considered a “tran” character. That character is pretty forfront in that game due to being associated with a companion.

If you think gay people asking for media to cater to them the same way it always has to you is political then you are the one making it political.

You literally try to hand wave away my points by using the “far left” boogeyman created by the right. Which doesn’t exist and has caused how many deaths in America according to you?

Cause the far right has caused a lot.

You think Gay bars are an issue? Cause your allowed into them. And youd be allowed into an LGBTQ zone.

I said main character. As in protagonist. Not a side character you can kill and ignore.