LGBT+ In game zone

So whats up with this Fruit Loop constantly making Fruity Pebbles posts?


You are literally parroting the talking points of the far right and other bigots.

You are literally parroting the talking points of the far left and other bigots.

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As a straight male older player I 100% support whatever you want to do, just make it available for ALL of us to enjoy, otherwise we feel excluded.

Others have suggested certain realms are great for this Proudmoore, Moonguarde etc.

I just object to it being exclusive

I had to attend Thralls wedding in Cataclysm, how much more “in my face” could it be?

You can just say you’re okay with straight people being in game but not gay people and save us both the time.

No I’m not. I’m thinking for myself. If you wanna get political than fine. How about you keep your far left liberal nonsense out of video games. As I said I don’t prescribe to either side but you’re making baseless assumptions.

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You didn’t have to attend his in game wedding. It wasn’t forced on you. You chose to do so. That’s not what there’s threads are saying though. They want it literally paraded in our faces and capital cities where we’re forced to see it since org and stormwind are the only cities that have most of what players use on a dailies bases.

… stop feeding the troll.

Gay people existing is not far left liberal nonsense.

The “far left” as the right likes to claim is complete bull made up for sheep like you. Being pro LGBTQ isn’t far Left. Our left is right winged for Europe. But I guess when your so deluded from your own bigotry you can’t even see the bull you are spewing.

Obviously gay people exist. No one said they didn’t. Nice strawman but not good enough

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I guess when everything’s been your way forever equality feels like oppression.

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The “far left” as the right likes to claim is complete bull made up for sheep like you

If you even refuse to believe the far left is a thing, you’re on the far left. You even called me a bigot and I’ve literally said nothing derogatory towards any sexual orientation. That’s straight out of the regressive left playbook 101

“I don’t belong to a political spectrum”

Proceeds to call people liberals, be an anti-LGBTQ bigot, and pulls out the far left boogeyman card.

You totally aren’t on the right, like every other “Im a democrat buuuut” on reddit that conveniently posted on The Donald more than politics.

Nothings ever been my way. You can get out of here with that. These threads aren’t talking about equality. Gays have the same equality as any straight person. No one said they didn’t

You started this argument making baseless assumptions that im far right so trying to flip this around on me the moment I use the same card on you is pathetic

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Make them a new faction so we can steamroll them in pvp :smiley:


Because you are defending bigotry and using alt right talking points. America doesn’t have a far left. Again for Europe our lefties are right wing. Berny is a centralist at MOST. The closest we have to “far left” are Socialist youtubers who believe they will hold no political power because of how our system is set up and just want a more fair system for the working class. Meanwhile however, the far right is an actual threat to americans and are actively trying to repress minorities. but keep up with your bull.

Because you are using their talking points. Telling you, you are using them and blatantly being an anti-LGBTQ bigot doesn’t make me “far left”.

What does this have to do with WoW in any way shape or form?

Nobody cares anymore whatever you are, enjoy your lifestyle.

I don’t walk around telling everyone how straight I am and asking for heterosexual only zones. It’d be pretty freaking stupid if I did right? Well same thing with you asking for this.