LGBT+ In game zone

It’s interesting too because he’ll advocate but then in the same breath talk about how cute the zone will be, as if all LGBTQ+ members are just about cutesy things. Like come on man, way to grossly stereotype an entire peoples.

Just cuz I’m a brown guy for example IRL doesn’t mean I need my representation to be done with an Apu-from-the-Simpsons accent =/


Exactly. I mean in a few cases stereotypes can be true and even funny but op is turning it into a political narrative where he advocates and stereotypes his own community while preaching love and acceptance while on the other hand he berates and insults people who simply disagree with him by calling them homophobes. Its pathetic. He’s even insulted other gays for disagreeing with him. If that’s not hypocritical I don’t know what is


Great idea , let’s segregate people, that’s the best and only way to show how inclusive and progressive we are…


The regressive left, desperately trying to revive segregation one ridiculously hypocritical argument at a time.


id suggest a public restroom just to be silly but too many ppl use humor to camouflage hatred and their bigoted views

id love to see a rainbow proudly flying over the city whenever someone pays for a gender change at the barbershop

i don’t see how they are inherently mutually exclusive

not sure about the rationale for completely excluding most all sexual content but then including poop related quests

Game is PEG 12.
Pooping is something every human does (including kids). Murder can be seen on TV as well.
Sexual activities: not.

I’m LGBT and I’d stay away from it. That’s not what I play WOW for.

Not if straight people are able to attend.

Do you think you cant enter gay bars?

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I think you’re missing the point. It doesn’t belong in the game. Its a political narrative that if blizz added would show them pushing an agenda. That will get them nowhere. “Go woke, go broke” is what would happen

Or just meet up with people in game in some remote area and do your thing? Does no one do guild events anymore?

Isn’t the entire server of proudmore basically a in game LGBT zone?

lol this thread is still here

These moderators are full on R word


No it wouldn’t. Also having representation for sexuality beyond straight shouldn’t be political. But I’m guessing those of you who are saying that, are also the ones saying you should be allowed to go out and party while mask less, and that wearing a mask is political.

Bring up the mask thing all you want. It doesn’t phase me. As I said political agendas have no purpose being in a video game. Deny it all you want but the fact of the matter is the moment blizzard takes a stance on a political narrative is the moment they lose the majority of thier subscribers. Lost subscribers means a loss in money. They’re smart enough to realize that anything that affects their bottom line in a negative way is not worth doing regardless of what a few individuals may want.

Your argument holds zero weight because there are already straight romances in the game. Therefore by your logic the game is already political.

Also get woke go broke is a meme. Outraged gamers have zero power.

Its not the forfront nor is it shoved in our faces. Thats the point we’re making here. Every time one of these troll threads pops up its always from someone who essentially wants the alphabet stuff paraded around and thrown in peoples faces like some sort of show pony. That’s when it becomes a political agenda. Its not needed in a video game that millions use as a temporary escape from real world politics. Gamers have more power than you think. Its called talking with your wallet.

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If LGBTQ is political so is being straight, which means your saying Heterosexual people are too fragile to see LGBTQ stuff in media and demand to have everything catered to them.

Also stop watching the quartering and other far right channels, they are deluding you.

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I get my straight white male zone too, right? Don’t want to be exclusionary, after all.


I dont prescribe to either side of the political spectrum so you can get out of here with that nonsense. That’s entirely irrelevant to the point.

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