LGBT+ in-game community

Sometimes I wonder if the anti-safe space crowd just wants everywhere to be a safe space for their uncool takes and behaviors.

Ya know separating yourself from others only breeds a them vs. us mentality. If you truly wish to have the LGBTQ+ community thrive, then live among side those who are not and breed friendships from that.

Maybe they had enough insult so they decide to form their own community?

You can already do that in the community tab instead of the guild finder tab.

So you want Blizzard to volunteer to put their name on something as volatile as LGBT with the wow community :rofl: One incident, one stupid player interaction and BOOM (tough actin tinactin) Blizz is in the headlines of a LGBT hate scandal and twitter nerds are threatening to cancel actiBlizz :-1:
Nah, if I were Blizz I’d continue the hands off approach so they have plausible deniability.

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He said he’s seen them, he wants Blizz to make one and then assign an employee to sit there all day long making sure no one says anything that can be perceived as malicious.

help us report him for trolling by making these threads, or everyone can just ignore him and the threads will wither and die naturally since no one will engage

OP is already reported but the mod restored his post and now he can’t get buried anymore.

His false flagging of people that don’t agree with him as making actual threats even if a person did not threaten him should of gotten this and another person’s threads shut down already . I say false flagging because most of those if not all of those responses have been restored.

So since the people monitoring the forums think virtual signaling for SJW street cred is more important then enforcing their own ToS . I no longer care and they can give the OP all he wants but in a way that the company thinks he should want it . Kind of like how they gave valor in the way they think we should want it or class/spec balance in the way they think we should want it et cetera.

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It sure would be nice. I’ve gotten a forum vacation every time I’ve explained why they’re a bad-faith actor and a troll in their threads.

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Sadly some took the bait and got banned.

I had some flagged then restored. But yet these threads are still up . So if They are going to virtual signal for sjw street cred and not enforce their own policies , then I am no longer going to care if they implement what these trolls ask for any more.

If they start caring about enforcing their rules then i might care again .


Lol they don’t even have enough manpower to moderate this forum.

Tulnn this is literally the 3st post I seen you make about LGBT things!


if Blizzard creates a tool to find exclusive LGBT guilds, what would prevent a troll from entering there?

and how do you moderate a guild? Guilds can be moderated normally.

What you want is for Blizzard to put some employes to do this for you, right?

this is ridiculous.

Create a guild, you can moderate it, you can kick whoever you want, accept members that fit your rules and that’s it.

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That poster is a troll you’re responding to.

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I don’t agree with false flagging. It’s immoral but this topic still stands. In-game community would be a step in the right direction.

Moderator, reddit have LGBT subforum and they’re pretty chill.

but that would be done by some player…the curent guilds have that.

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Im just answering you man, you ask how to prevent the troll from entering.