LGBT+ in-game community

Humans are social creatures by default. Sure we can mingle with each other. But sometimes its just nice to mingle with folks like you.

Not that I’m defending the OP since all they do is post troll threads like this. I’m just trying to explain why a community pops up in the first place


I think it was Morgan Freeman who said if you want to stop racism stop talking about it.

This same idea can work very well for this subject. You want the hate to stop then shut up. Please quit spamming everything with your push for representation and just live. It is worse then Jehovah witnesses coming to the door every week. Many people that don’t care what you do are having it pushed in their face and of course are going to get upset with the unnecessary annoyance. Some even to the point they actually may start to hate despite being all for equality before.

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Report and move on lads.

Bit hard to shut up when a troll can make multiple threads and keep the outrage going

Compare non lgbt pushing their agenda to the point of “be like us or we’ll kill you” even now to the teensy bit of what lgbt do now. They have it so easy.

I swear non lgbt are like bass drums that are complaining that they’re not being heard when they’re the loudest drum in the set.


I have no problem with communities existing or people sharing what they wish. Just seemed clear from his post he was the one with the issues and posting up some bait for the fun of it.

I find things like this a bit hard to believe.

As if someone wouldn’t toss em out…

Def no potential for abuse there…

Few things here even rate as annoying in GD honestly, as it is full of trolls. I’d say of those trolls, people trying to further divide others in general is about the lowest. Whether it’s due to race/religion/sexuality/ etc. Judging people negatively simply because they may be different than you is just plain idiocy. Just my 2 cents. Didn’t intend to offend if I did.

Yeah considering how many of these threads op has made, just another bored troll with cheap bait.

Which freaking sucks because now no actual lgbt like myself can make threads about it because they’ll get slammed by people that think they’re trolling. Then more fighting and it’s a whole stupid outrage loop -_-


QUIT with these posts you that you are posting weekly. I choose not to have to see your posts & feelings crammed down my throat.

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didn’t read the replies but one already existed. go to the community forums and there should be an invite post.

Wow, a they went through and deleted posts that weren’t even flagged but kept some other ones up.

So apparently they’re reading, and they realize everyone here is into this troll but keep the thread going regardless.



Weird. I had a flagged post that I edited to specifically call them out for not doing their jobs and letting this troll run rampant and they deleted it but didn’t action me so who knows what they’re up to.

No, they’re not. The only thing that’s “automated” is the flagging, and that’s done by users. Once something is flagged it’ll sit there hidden until an actual live person does something about it. That’s why Sunday is notorious for trolling - they have Sundays off.

It’s not for Blizzard to decide how players form into groups. It’s for the players to decide with whom they group and why.

To ask this is to ask Blizzard to form a near-infinite number of equally moderated groups, something for which they probably don’t have the staff.

Moreover, their moderation would inherently print their own ideas onto the social aspect of said group. They know this, and thus (in game, at least) take a minimal hand in moderating player interaction; instead, they do the correct thing, and give that power to the individual players themselves.

This is a bad idea, logistically and consequentially. It’s also a bad idea in concept; instead of asking an authority figure to fix our problems and cater a world to us, we should instead be asking for the power to determine our own experience in the game.

Yes it was. I believe it was from a 60 minutes interview with the late Mike Wallace.

I just got some system messages about flagged and removed posts not sure if it was from this thread but wouldn’t be surprised. Not sure what the post/s were they don’t tell you. I know one was marked as a real life threat.

Now I may say things some people may not agree with because I don’t have much of a filter when giving what I believe to be an honest opinion but I don’t think anyone that has seen my posting history on a regular basis would say anything I say could ever be considered a real life threat to another person in the forums.

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Yeah they flagged everyone’s post for that. It’s got the most urgency to it.

False flagging is the norm on the forums. Most of my posts get flagged because some don’t agree with me. Of course they always get reinstated because I’m not doing anything wrong. You really can’t have a discussion on the forums about anything remotely controversial (which LGBT representation shouldn’t be). :man_shrugging:

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Wow. People still going here huh?


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It’s a game why do you need to come on and boast your sexuality? When I’m in groups the topic of discussion is not whether I’m straight, gay, bi or Trans but interrupt skull, get out of the fire etc. Please stop shoving your sexuality down others throats, I for one don’t give a hot damn what or who you choose to sleep with.


i dont understand the need for such a tool, there is no official content that excludes or exclusively includes people of a set sexuality. It should literally never come up in game. In fact any kind of segregation based on sexuality is strictly forbidden and should be reported.

The community tool is available if you wish to talk to people with similar interests, but there is no reason to implement such a feature for grouping.

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It doesn’t help that people like Talonel and others make multiple threads on the topic within a matter of days and will call anyone that 100% doesn’t lock step agree with them homophobes even members of the LGBT community.

Having a different opinion on the subject does not automatically make one a homophobe. People just don’t want it in the game and those of us that really don’t care if any of it appears in game would rather it be put into the game in a way that makes sense like let it be story driven where the characters are met and interacted in a way that the player/s can be some what vested in the characters.

Don’t add stuff just because . All that would result in is stereotypes being added.

As for in game community that should be a player formed thing monitored by the players. Blizz can barely moderate the toxic cesspool that is Trade Chat.

If you want the kind of community you want then form it yourself and be the change you desire and not have others be that change for you.