LGBT+ in-game community

Not to be this person, but aren’t there LGBTQ friendly/populated LGBTQ servers like Proudmoore and WRA? And aren’t there already guilds and communities that are LGBTQ friendly?

Only WRA, I encountered a guild the other day that evolved around San’layn and LGBTQ themes in their description.

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What are you even talking about? I make a legitimate feedback thread wanting something positive for the LGBT community. It seems to be like it’s a you problem if you can’t accept such simple requests and feedback.

THey notice and reinstate flagged posts because they want to keep their virtual signaling street cred up .

It seems like a you problem if you can’t use the tools Blizz has already given you to make your own LGBT community . The communities Blizz give us are our factions and their are no straight , gay , black or whatever in those communities .

There is just Horde or Alliance.

Imagine segregating yourself on purpose then patting yourself on the back for it under the guise of “safe space”

There is a saying. “pain is weakness leaving your body”

Not that anyone should intentionally put themselves through crap but at some point in ones life you’ll need to interact with this world. You can choose to cry or you can choose to grow.

Or you could just create it yourself and find some trusted people to moderate it? Why do you need Blizzard to do that for you.

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double take
You’re a pandaren now?

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

Just threw me off lol

Their melee animations are fantastic, so I recommend them if you have any 2h melee classes

My Vulpera has a pretty cool 2h animation for some attacks. They just give a big swing

Because LGBT people always get shunned so they decide to make their own community.

I’m honestly really tired of seeing these threads. I am very pro LGBT, I am apart of the community so this isn’t a hit for the record… but for the love of glob please stop with the LGBT threads. This is a game. KEEP IT OUT OF IT.

You must be joking. These forums are a horrible example of moderation. Automod means every thread of note eventually devolves into a brigading race to see which side of a topic can falsely report the other more times to get them muted.

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

How many times is this man going to get away with spamming threads with their plethora of alts dude.

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Moderation in this forum isn’t actually automated, if you get suspended, it’s from an actual moderator.

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This, although you can actually get an entire thread locked if you have enough people getting flagged. But you need to try reallllllly hard for that to happen.

Game Rating:
That is where Blizzard job ends.

Online interaction is not rated by ESRB. Blizzard enforce their ToS and provided guild options, forums, community finder, community forums. If you can’t find an LGBT group, make one, OP.

(But I don’t know why you would want to be there, gen Zoomer is constantly offended and dramatic.)

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Why? You have some phobias? Jesus, who in reality feels the need to identify themselves to perfect strangers to play a game? Sounds like a deeper issue. Gl with it tho.

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I am joking.