LGBT+ in-game community



if you want a safe space, make one

Make a community. Be the moderator.


why do you all keep feeding this troll?

just let the thread drop.


This 1000% I hate how things like this are thrown in everyone face. I didn’t have a meltdown about not be represented in books and movies I treated them neutral.
I was never asked if I was okay with people using my sexual orientation to promote some cause. I am ashamed really at how bad people have been slammed and abuse by members of the LGBTQ group for even having a difference of opinions. I don’t see anyone here being active homophobic just stating some honest fact. Wow is Neutral real world events and politics do not belong in it and some are so driven to do so and it’s sad and embarrassing.


Go do this somewhere other than WoW, as it has nothing to do with WoW.

GO make the community you want, and make it thrive. Blizzard need not do the legwork for you.

Dumb idea, unless you’re going to pay the labour for this waste of an idea.

Same. I did my time being ashamed of being gay. I don’t want to do it again as I seem to have to always be like “Yes I am Gay, but no I am not going to cancel your book because it doesn’t have 3 token LGBT+ characters in it.”

I’m not saying the world is perfect and we are all totally equal now and there’s no more work left to be done, but that doesn’t mean cramming stuff in peoples faces 24/7 and freaking out and calling them homophobic or prejudice or whatever just because they disagree.


I may need my head examined but can we get a Ralph thread up in GD .

The current trolling has become so sub standard with this current crop like Talonel, Preheat, Tupac ,Tigergrunt and this OP.


I gave you a link to multiple established LGBT+ communities. Blizzard doesn’t need to add something that already exists. Learn to use the tools blizzard has provided for you.


Literally every group you join has at least 1 troll in it.


I fully understand how communities work. That’s not the point of my thread which is Blizzard moderation in communities that strive to make safe spaces for LGBT community. Other communities as well.

There are many things in WOW that has nothing to do with WOW.

Joining a community that controls who can join is about as safe as you are ever going to get.

It’s not cost effective or warranted to employ blizzard workers to moderate a community when participants can do do it themselves.

They don’t moderate any other community now. It’s not a reasonable use of resources.
Make your own community, list it the community recruitment forum, invite who you want, invite your friends. If anyone says something you don’t like remove them.

Problem solved.


I want a safe space, I could make one but I want someone else to do it.


I think the solution to that is good communities gain a good reputation, and become the defacto community, sort of how proudmoore early on was thought to be the lgbtq-friendly server.

How do people get trolled for being gay in wow?

I’ve been playing since TBC and never once have I been treated differently for being gay

Unless you’re throwing your sexuality in everyone’s face, how do they even know you’re gay? Why is that even being brought up in a video game?

Edit: In fact, now that I think about it I’ve never even witnessed anyone being trolled for being gay :thinking:

The worst I’ve ever seen was someone making a dumb gay joke in guild chat, and he was told “Hey, none of that” and that’s where it stopped

Seriously, how do people actually get trolled for being LGBT in wow?


it’s almost like some group of people are actively trying to create “lgbtq fatigue” where you hear about it so often that you end up associating negative feelings to it.

kinda weird guys.
mods seem to never notice and eat it up too! like some kind of loophole or something.

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grow up child.

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I dont know. I’ve been around various types of players, and it’s never been an issue.

Don’t be. That is on them, not you. Wise people, regardless, are able to and always will know the difference.
