LGBT+ History Month

“If Root Beer and Cream Soda are your faves, you will LOVE this. It’s taste is half way between those two. It’s like a mix of both. The Perfect Flavor.”


Here here!

Cyndilou, I love that you brought up sarsaparilla. I can’t remember the last time someone has mentioned it. Kinda up there with a Roy Rogers and Shirley Temple.


“One thing I like about you, in particular, is you know the true energy behind the saying…‘agree to disagree’. You know how to find the middle ground. I wish more could see it like you do.”


and what about the people who are assigned a gender at birth, but that gender doesn’t match their insidey-bits?
…you know, like actual transgender.

if MALE is marked on my birth certificate, and have led my whole life as a male, yet suddenly when i don’t experience male puberty it’s discovered i’m not male, yet i still choose to live my life as male, that doesn’t make me a cismale.

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How is this stupid thread still going?
I asked like 500 posts ago and people are still fighting over 2017 stuff

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I’m a tad confused by what you’re saying. Are you talking about someone who’s intersex? I don’t think they’re either cis or trans - just intersex. An “actual” trans person is anyone that experiences gender dysphoria.
(Well some do say you don’t need GD, but I don’t really understand that.)


“People need distractions right now. Lighten up, and have some fun.”


I love how people saying a LGBTQ+ character should’t feel “forced”…

This is a fiction. Everything here is “forced” out of nowhere. Stuff is written because someone is behind “forcing” it to go one way or another.

You literally add diversity to a fiction for the sake of having representation, so it will feel closer to a broader audience. Sucked to be a LGBTQ+ teenager in the 90’s and growing without seeing representation of who you are in cartoons, for example.

Most of the people bashing this thread probably don’t have a place of speech for this issue, because they don’t know how it is.


They are saying forced in the idea of making existing characters gay. When you do that, it feels like someone just checking off a box. Problem for WoW is that it’s over 15 years old and if they wanted to add gay characters, they should have done it a long time ago. If they introduce new characters and it felt natural, that would probably be a different scenario.

This comment is just straight up ignorant because if only LBGT people could comment on the issue, gay people would have never got the right to get married, let alone anything else.

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“Welcome Back, everyone!”
/happy grin


Nope you sure as heck ain’t.

Welcome back!


“Glad to see you too.”



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As a transman (afab) I’d love any representation. Tired of being invisible.

One thing I noticed in this thread is people conflating sex and gender identity. The two are not interchangable in this context. If you mean someone bits, use sex.

Finally, if you’re interested in transgender science and hypothesises as to why some people have a lack of parity between bits and brains you can watch this episode of the Charlie Rose brain series on gender identity.


How are you invisible because there is no representation? I don’t follow.

I didn’t even know it was possible for someone born female to transition until I was in my 30s because there was such little representation and so few public figures.

Could you imagine living with a profound feeling of wrongness, like school age awkwardness and feeling like an outsider turned up to eleven, coupled with severe depression for 30 years of your life before learning what you are exists, questioning yourself, and having an epiphany in front of a mirror?