LGBT+ History Month

Very true! I have a few friends who live out there. My families business is down here and not exactly able to pick it up and move, though. :frowning:

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Who needs money when thereā€™s a plague outside? TP is the real currency now.



Iā€™d insert a Beavis Cornholio gif, but alas I am no longer able to.

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Remember: never get on Californiaā€™s bad side! Theyā€™ll take away your gifs :cry:

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Indeed. Part of me is a little proud I was accused of trolling/spamming. :sweat_smile:


ā€œI canā€™t see YOU as a Troll. But I am biased.ā€


Course he ainā€™t a troll! Heā€™s a dorf.


Thank you Cyndilou. :heart: :heart: :heart:

I wasnā€™t intending to troll. Just be a little humorous. Iā€™m glad at least a few people got it before the thread was taken down. Wasnā€™t my thread. lol

/pounds chest


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ā€œI have watched you try and lighten the mood, in a few threads. It is always a pleasure to see.ā€


Stupid neighborhood kids and their four wheeler. I need some vanilla earl grey! Iā€™ll make some extra for any passersby in the thread. Get it quick while itā€™s hot!


I always like hugs. :relaxed:

I always get a kick out of seeing you and Dreta around. Itā€™s nice when you feel youā€™re part of a community in the forums. I often spend more time here then in game.

/hands earplugs
They havenā€™t been used. lol Bought a box of em for trips with my friend.


Hah, and here I thought half these forums hated me. They just keep me around for the coffee.

ā€œI would, but Hubby just handed me a Sarsaparilla. I havenā€™t had one of these in a very long time.ā€

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You fancy sodā€¦ I donā€™t even know what that is! :wink:

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ā€œLook it up. Itā€™s one of the first, if not THE first, soda pops ever made.ā€

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Hm. They say itā€™s a lot like root beer. Only thing better than root beer is cream sodaā€¦ I may have to find one of these things and give it a try.


ā€œThis, Cream Soda, and Root Beer are the first three. Just not sure the order they came in. They are my top three fave soda pops.ā€


As long as itā€™s not Coke or Pepsi, Iā€™m on board :sunglasses:

overhyped swillā€¦ stupid big brandsā€¦

You offer coffee. I love coffee. Canā€™t hate someone who offers coffee. Coffee aside, Iā€™ve found you quite reasonable in this thread and that means a lot. :smiley:

Ooo! Lucky!!

Dangit. Iā€™m so slow to respond, I see cream soda and root beer. I want some with a scoop of ice cream. :yum:


I am what is currently considered by our internet society an ungodly radical. That is to say I believe wholly in the freedom of speech and expression and think people should be able to discuss their opinions reasonably and with a measure of common courtesyā€¦ especially amongst those who may disagree.