LGBT+ History Month

I mean every single person has their obstacles, especially as they are growing up. That seems to be part of the process. I can relate to many of the things you mentioned even today, but that’s a whole other matter that doesn’t deal with my… Gender identity? Sorry I am not sure if that’s the right way to say it. It’s part of my identity, it’s just not linked to the other part.

Awareness is good. People should have access to information, but I just don’t know how a video game set in a fantasy world plays into that. I think children’s books are bringing more awareness to young people though these days.

Edited due to lock to finish response:

Okay. If it’s a good story then it’s a good story. Everyone should be able to get on board with that if it’s done well (yes some hateful people will try to rain on it, but that’s a broad range of personalities for you), but checking off a list for the sake of everyone having a piece of the pie sounds like it would backfire. Kind of like how colleges apparently have a quota when it comes to ethnicity, or people from the military get preferential treatment with hiring. I know, I probably sound insensitive, but it’s not my goal.

So if there’s a good way for Blizz to do it then sure, but doing it due to demand just for the sake of checking it off the list… I know a TV show that kind of ruined it that way. If there’s characters that would be good for certain representation then that’s probably more effective than “just make it happen, Blizz”.

So we should have more Animal Crossings or maybe even games focused on it, I agree. WoW? I don’t know. Seems forced.

I don’t have any agenda here, so I will bow out after this edit since it seems to be getting a little tense. I will just say that what I meant by forced is… There is a long list of “representation” to cover. If there’s a gay couple (which I think might actually exist) is that going to be enough? Do they need to make sure these characters pop up every expansion? Do we need main characters to fill these roles? At that point, it will not be special and it’s about the list and pushing for something other than a good game. Does it fit the medieval feel? Seems like it’s okay to let the writers write the story the way they see it (okay not really since they suck at it, but I hope you get what I mean) and let new games push that awareness if that’s the theme it’s created with.

Not what I meant at all, which is why I will bow out now. Good luck.

The new Animal Crossing game is pretty heckin good at representing diverse identities. Everything is gender neutral, characters talk about their favourite media featuring gay couples and two major characters (Flick and C.J) are heavily implied to be dating.

It’s very wholesome.

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If everything is gender neutral, how would you know someone is gay or not?

Gaming is in fact the perfect platform awareness. In the past we had books to tell stories, and before literacy was widespread we had art, and spoken word tales.

Then we had films and television.

Now we have interactive media—gaming is the storytelling platform of the future.

Using things like allegory we can teach empathy in the process of people having a grand old time playing vidya games. Think X-Men comics being an allegory for the civil rights movement.

Fr example, a scenario like this could accurately depict a realistic trans experience while fitting in universe using allegory:
A half elf suffers from depression because he's treated badly for being different. After trying to cheer him up someone suggests he have a fleshcrafter alter him to look like a normal elf. His well meaning parents think he should be fine as he is and society should accept him. They're right but he realizes he shouldn't spend his whole life waiting to live. He decides to go through with the fleshcrafting and seize his happiness by becoming someone who passes as 'normal.' Happily ever after.

Sex and sexuality are two different things.

You can be female sexed with a male gender identity, a non binary presentation and prefer men (gay) all at the same time.

In writing everything is deliberately forced.

Realize that cisgender heterosexual representation has been forced into the game, it just doesn’t “feel” wrong because heteronormative society.

I don’t think a quest chain that starts with helping a girl feel pretty only to discover it doesn’t make her happy and ending with her drinking a permanent transmorphc tincture feels out of place for Azeroth.

Azeroth is a weird and wonderful world of orcs and magic.
Bear people that do Kung Fu? Ok. Magical murderlizards? Cow people? Fox people, werewolves, vampires? All okay.
The gays existing? Too over the top. :roll_eyes:


Sorry I’ll clarify. There is no gender lock on clothing designs and characters don’t refer to the PC as a certain gender.


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“That was extremely interesting. Thank you for sharing.”


Right under the the coats hanging in the closet!


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“Welcome back again, everyone.”


EXACTLY I mean were here to slay dragons and defeat insane gods from beyond the stars why cant people just be people and enjoy the game?

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Hi Cyndilou! :grinning:

You mean you’re here to do that. Some, if not quite a few, are here to do more as evidence by the numerous things in WoW that have nothing to do with slaying dragons and defeating insane gods. Poop quests, for example. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




“How are all you wonderful people doing today?”

Doing quite well. Had a nice dinner with my parents and now I’m enjoying an iced latte*. :smiley:

How bout yourself?

*Will most certainly regret that latte at 2 am when he’s still awake. :sweat_smile:

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“I’m relaxing with my Husband, and the TV.”


Sounds very relaxing. Whatcha watching?

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