LGBT+ History Month

Human? Are we talking about something else?

ā€œA Child can be born with an imbalanced DNA, as well as be born with extended or submerged genitals. DNA has been known to change at, before, and after birth. Males can be born with out the male genitalia. Parents think that means they are a girl, until it drops down later. Many things can go wrong with DNA, that donā€™t result in death.ā€

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And usually doctors can figure out all that pretty darn early, like before birth early. That still doesnā€™t imply choice because whatever alterations your DNA might make due to various issues, none of it was done with your consent.

Iā€™ve slowly grown to like tea, but I donā€™t drink much because it aids the growth of kidney stones, of which Iā€™ve had /counts on fingersā€¦ 5, I think. Dreadfully painful. lol

If a dwarf gets a kidney stone, and they use Stoneform, does it join the Stoneform and disappear after it ends? :thinking:


Well I gotta admit Iā€™m kind of checked out here because you seem to think that there are only two ways of being here. Where might that be from?

I mean it is pretty easy to fall into certain thought traps.


ā€œI give up for real with you. You have such a limited way of looking at things. There is no middle ground with you at all. So sad.ā€


FIVE kidney stones? Good God, man.


There are only two. Thatā€™s just science, sorry. Even if you use the other persons example, itā€™s going to switch between one or the other, thatā€™s it.

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Limited? Itā€™s not me thatā€™s limiting my thought, itā€™s pure scientific fact.

Eh, six thousand years or so of civilization from ancient Sumer to the present United States.

Be careful little rabbit. Science may not be on your sideā€¦

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Science has a side? Pretty sure itā€™s just science.

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I mean, not if Buzzfeed is your trusted news source.


Be careful with that. It might make it bigger.


LOL Not at at once, but over time. I think my sister suffered from multiple at one time. Mine started in high school. Broke it up using lithotripsy, bombard it with sound waves. All others have simply passed. One while I was in the ER giving them a urine sample. lol Last one was maybe a year ago. Encountered an ER doctor with the worst bedside manner. Every other time Iā€™d been to the ER for a stone everyone was super nice and understanding.



I hope to God you never have to endure more than one kidney stone at a time. Never touch a cup of tea again :sob:

A sidenote as I finish my last cup of evening teaā€¦ the neighbor kids wonā€™t stop riding their godawful four wheelers and itā€™s annoying me to death. Itā€™s 9:30. Sleep, child. Sleep.


Thank you. :smiley: Itā€™s debilitating enough with one. They do have a mind of their own. You might not feel anything and suddenly one comes out while youā€™re taking a wee. Iā€™ve been lucky to be home, or near home, when Iā€™ve had em.

/shakes fist at kids
I feel ya there. Luckily thereā€™s none of that in my neighborhood.


Well, itā€™s the price you pay for living in the great outdoors. Wouldnā€™t trade the forest life for the city, thatā€™s for damn sure.

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That sounds lovely. Family keeps me in South Florida.


Come to central Florida. Itā€™s only a six hour drive :slight_smile:

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