LGBT+ History Month

And what makes you the gate keeper on what would be tokenism? Why should inclusion representation of diversity be something anyone opposes, I would say LGBTQ might best come from humans because Blizzard already considers Humans diverse, as confirmed by their comments in the new customizations, not to say that LGBTQ can’t happen elsewhere but I see it happening most organically there since their opinions of humans as a race is humans in their entirety of diversity.

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When you’re being hostile to other people, you’re the problem – whether you’re a majority, minority, or anything in between.

That’s not gatekeeping anything. That’s asking you to behave in a civil fashion.


So sit down and be quiet? Yeah that’s never been told to a minority before when they’ve had enough of gate keeping or being shut out lol.

If you consider judgements on your persons for gatekeeping diversity then it’s because there’s some truth in those judgements. I did not comment on what I thought past it told me everything I needed to know about said person.


Didn’t say that either. You really should stop trying to put words in my mouth.

If you want to change someone’s mind, you cannot come at them with hostility. That reinforces negative opinions.


I do not care about changing their minds it’s not my job.

Blizzard considers humans diverse as a reflection of humans in diversity. If they add LGBTQ characters I see it coming in form of human screen time.

My opinion of anyone gate keeping diversity remains, and the longer WoW goes on the more people are going to see millennials and gen z speak up for things of importance, it’s 2020 and it’s not us in the minority of thinking.


I’m gay, and I sigh at these threads

Just because you can add a gay character, doesn’t mean you should.

It’s like when movies and TV shows do it just to say “See? See?! We’re so tolerant and progressive!!1!!1”

It’s annoying. Write a good story where the characters orientation is actually relevant. Don’t just add a character and be like “Oh btw guys, they’re gay!” For no reason


Imagine calling LGBT people mentally ill and then when they want like basic respect you call them entitled. Big yikes from me dawg.



You’ll be taking a vacation for that for sure.


…Then why are you here taking part in the conversation at all? What’s the point of arguing for representation if not to change the minds of those who disagree?

The only reason you shouldn’t care about changing someone’s mind about an issue you believe strongly about is if you’ve already condemned them or they, on an individual basis, have demonstrated that their minds will not be changed.

Not trying to change others’ minds leads to militancy. Force is the alternative to discussion.

Yes, yes he will. Good riddance.


These threads are great for weeding out the trolls or hateful people. I swear it’s like watching lemmings

Thank you. Quoting for truth, this is on the money. This is exactly how I feel. Diversity for the sake of diversity is bad. This? What this person has put is correct.


No No and No.

To be fair dude. I tried HARD to be polite and discuss things properly in the past. It rarely ever worked so I don’t blame some people having no patience for it.


As a member of the LGBTQ I don’t think you have a right to basically tell me to leave a thread advocating for LGBTQ representation…
Why are you here? To gate keep?

You’re the first person to bring up violence that I’ve seen but okay…


Believe me, I get that. I don’t think there’s a person alive who doesn’t understand what it’s like to try to explain something to someone and have them refuse to see it. I can’t in good conscience condemn someone for giving up.

I would ask, however, that if they’ve given up, they leave the discussion to those who haven’t. When you give up on civility, there’s nowhere else your point of view can go except violence – and that is the final threshold we must not cross as a species.


I don’t have a dog in this race. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to have a conversation. And that was the wrong way.

Relevant to the topic: I did the quest with the two lesbian night elves in Azsuna. Funny, I didn’t “get any gay”on me. Something tells me things will be just fine if that happens again.


See I get ya but I also get Lannisterian

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Seeing as there is no reason to oppose diversity when Blizzard already considers Humans as a race to be diverse by their own statements, there is no reason to be here if you are gate keeping diversity other than to troll, or oppose diversity that Blizzard already supports.

We are here to give ideas on how to implement.

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If there’s ever a notable homosexual relationship between two characters, I’d hope that Blizz would do it respectfully, instead of as a throwaway “Look, they’re gay! We’re inclusive!” bit. (although part of me wouldn’t mind seeing them bring back Asric+Jadaar or Anren+Tholo as official pairings just to see folks get mad about it)

Alas, I don’t think Blizz has the stones to do anything beyond the occasional one-off NPC, like that satyr in Legion, or the Goblin ladies in the Rescue Baine scenario. Which might be a blessing, actually, considering how much Blizz seems to drop the ball with characters.


Yeah, it does suck. Threads like this one are tiresome and repetitive.

It’s a roleplaying game. Roleplay it. Requests for token [insert diverse character here] to be shoehorned into the story are tiresome.

Exactly, friend. Exactly. <3