LGBT+ History Month

I think part of the premise is Pride Month and I’m surprised no one has asked for an in game shop charity support unless they do so already I actually do not know i don’t think I was playing last summer and don’t recall

Ah, you see, this is where you’re wrong. There is no good reason to oppose diversity. There are plenty of bad reasons to oppose diversity. What I’m trying to impress upon you is that every one of us is an ambassador. When you give up on civility, you will create people with bad reasons, and that bad reason will stem up from, “That one person was super mean/rude to me that one time,” and build a lattice of supporting beliefs to buoy the lack of logic in the emotional response.

Then again, maybe I’m wasting my time. It certainly doesn’t seem like the modern sociopolitical climate is one that favors rational discussion.

…I miss Christopher Hitchens.


Refresh my memory, isn’t there one of those “Running of the [X]” events for Pride Month? I know the Gnome run is for cancer, but I’d be rather surprised if there wasn’t also one for that.

In fact, I kind of want to make a rainbow transmog in case it is a thing.

I had this idea ages ago on the old forums. A easy simple way to have a pride thing. Just have something like a wedding ring you can buy someone. It doesn’t do anything but maybe give you one of those little icons that appear when you click on a character and see all that stuff under their health and mana bar.


I’m not going to associate with anyone who opposes diversity that is simply my stance. And I’m going to be honest with you I am Gen Z when people talk about millennials… I’m the generation after that, I don’t see the opposing side as a winning side to be on, in fact times are a changing as they say and it serves me no purpose changing the minds of forum posters on WoW. All I see is calling them out when they are in the wrong, and here they are in the wrong. I’m not going to dine with people who mention their wife or this that and the third every 5 seconds in every thread and then any lgbtq topic “is political” that’s simply dated and I’m neither old and time is in my favor as far as thinking goes.

So I’m here to support, but at the end of the day the form posters on here are of no importance to me. Blizzard considers humans diverse, LGBTQ I would say is part of that diversity because they did not specify otherwise, so I would say we are best served pointing that particular discussion point out.

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If people disagree they should just shut up and obey? Hmm. Gee. That’s an original idea, and not at all a path humans have tread before to ruinous outcomes. The irony with your logic is that while most people are totally willing to be acceptant, the thing you time and again fail to grasp is the “Brainy Smurf” Lesson.

Your delivery sucks, and your arrogant lecturing time and again gets you thrown out of the village instead of convincing anyone of your position. It does tend to make people who might of been open to your position shift to support the opposing views however.

That’s why Gen Z and Millenials contrary to your thoughts aren’t winning, but are very handily poisoning the next generation against them, in the same way the pendulum swung against Boomers in the first place.

You really should of asked your teachers to teach history rather than memes in High School.

…Of course, seeing that critical thinking does not appear to be your strong suite; it’s no surprise you’d rather demand your intellectual superiors to “drink hemlock and shut up”. That happened to a fellow in Greek Culture too. His name was Socrates. So if you think your somehow original, or new… your not. It’s simply arrogance borne of a lack of intelligence and education.

A fun fact as you proceed to oblivion with the rest of your ideas and regressive concepts. Most sane individuals do not at their default setting, automatically hate another person in this day and age.

Yet while most people do not hate a person due to their sexual orientation, most people absolutely DO mind individuals like you trying to shove your ideals in folks faces and try to engage in guilt / shaming tactics to induce acceptance. Ironically, instead of building your cause up it detracts from it.

This thread can easily be summed up as yet another veiled attempt at extortion.

Ex·tor·tion: “The practice of obtaining something, usually money, through force or threats.”

You are saying essentially: “Blizzard you need to add this. …Or else.”.

While your statement certainly seems innocuous enough on the surface, one has to ask. What happens if Blizzard resists X? You know, if Blizzard decides to exert creative license over their I.P.? Does what they want to do in a given story? Well we already can guess at the next step, because this happens regularly.

OP we both know full well that you would no doubt be one of the first in line to scream “Blizzard isn’t tolerant!”. So really, It’s honestly a no win situation that is backed up with an underpinned threat, if Blizzard does not comply with the demands; then it will result in slanderous attacks on Blizzard.

These attacks would take form in trying to get people fired, harassing employees that are wholly innocent on social media, and trying to organize boycotts; all in the name of inducing compliance. Even if said compliance comes at the detriment of others, and that’s really where the problem is. You are not asking for “equality”. You are asking for characters that are currently open to interpretation to be assigned a gender orientation for the sake of your personal preference, and to hell with anyone who might have a divergent view.

Or as you put it so succinctly a minute ago.

Not to men like you.


I’m not even reading what ever the heck you just wrote. As a History Major, and someone who takes diversity issues very seriously and has seen public speakers on the topics I don’t really care. In fact I would say I have 2 professors who would be proud of my stance.


I don’t really understand what the point of mentioning this was, to be honest with you. Age doesn’t seem like it’d be a factor here.

You do understand that telling someone they’re wrong does not convince them that they’re wrong, yes?

Winston believing that 2+2=5 is not going to be altered just because someone tells him that he’s wrong. That’s the point of indoctrination. That’s why erroneous beliefs survive.


On a lighter note. Here’s a kitty


Something we can surely all appreciate!

It’s not my job to convince the WoW player on the forum they are wrong.

In fact Blizzards stance on Humans and statements that Humans in wow are and have always been diverse already proves them wrong. I’ll continue to cite that because that is all that is needed for in game reasons.

This sounds a lot like, “It’s easier for me to be rude and risk nothing,” in my opinion. And hey, if you don’t want to take part in helping people understand that about which they’re mistaken, that’s fine – just please don’t actively impede that effort.

I feel like I’m repeating myself a lot, which tells me that perhaps it’s time for me to move on from this thread. I hope you’ll take some of this to heart.

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People literally use every in appropriate word in the language in pvp, even in leveling dungeons, but it’s so “rude” that I call people out for gate keeping diversity and state that tells me all I need to know about them? I don’t buy it and I love shopping so we are indeed at an impasse.

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Yes. That’s rude.

Yes. That’s also rude.

You are attempting to contrast two rude things as though one of them is not rude. That is a false dichotomy.

Can I just ask, as an aside… how? I hate being around so many people.

I would be okay with a Toy of some sort too or little companion pet that follows, so long as it went to a charity

It may be a surprise to some, but there are already LGBT+ characters in the game. They don’t have important roles, and I’m not saying they shouldn’t, I’m just saying that they do in fact exist at the moment. More would always be welcome, but we also need to realize that the community (both in and out of the LGBT+ circle) will either hate it for doing it by those outside the circle, hate it for doing it just to appease them from those inside the circle, or they will like it for doing it.


I would agree with this simply because Blizzards stance on Humans are diverse, and the new customizations are simply catching up to represent that in game. So it would be the same if we received any story screen time or characters.

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Labels labels and more labels. Groups groups and more groups. A world divided will fall while a world together will conquer.

Human race will be its own doom.

I agree with u on that

No thanks im good